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  1. B

    Worst Father Of The Year Award!

    Maybe the clown had seen a child choke on a balloon before and it realy affected him. I use to work in shopping centres and i saw a child get his finger caught in the combs at the top of an escalator it wasnt pretty so after that i was pretty graphic about telling parents what could happen to...
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    If you were handcuffed to a bed in a shack...

    I'd break out of their, arnie style.
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    Chuck Norris Jokes

    they say that underneath chuck norris' beard isnt a chin but another fist
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    popped my water bed

    Knives + Waterbed
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    found his cousin...

    I see the resemblance.
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    Airplane on a Conveyor Belt on Mythbusters

    :facepalm: Not again
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    Humour - Where to draw the freaking line

    Is it any wonder why I dislike "blonde" jokes? I know, I know ... they're just jokes!
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    actually, not a fact, an opinion.
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    Abortion is Wrong

    All of that has been done at one point or another. How do you feel about the death penalty or euthanasia?
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    In the USA you can, and you can take the trash from a person's can once he puts it on the sidewalk for pickup. From the recycle bins, though -- I don't know for certain, but I expect not, because recycled stuff has inherent value, and the city has contracted with one particular company to...
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    Obama or Oh Bummer?

    The NHS is a very large institution, and I think it's inevitable that standards will vary to some degree. I've had (and know of) both good and bad experiences, but as a whole I think the NHS is still something that this country should be proud of. Anyone who doesn't think it's a good thing...
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    Car Insurance Claims

    I'm not upset over your post Fred, just baffled and this post still baffles me. I have no interest in suing anyone, claiming compo or even a respray. I would like to officially complain about the driver as he was well out of order and dangerous to boot. The actual incident did not arise from the...
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    This is totally unacceptable treatment of animals

    You're welcome. I believe you have misinterpreted my stance on the subject, Putrid. You see I'm all for the humane treatment of any animal that is destined for slaughter. Admittedly, the kosher or halal methods may seem gruesome, but if done PROPERLY they're just as effective at doing the...
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    When friendship fades away...

    We like you!
  15. B

    i need help i dunno wot to do

    Yep.. call in Childline. I had a bad time at school also, and the teachers more or less ignored me and my parents complaints. When I fought back, they came down on me for it. The school system is irrational at best, outside help is probably better.
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    Ebay Challenge

    It's werid that Im still amazed by things on ebay.
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    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shoots the makers of tekken* o btw you forgot to make a wish so I get to kick you *kicks ahmed right between the eyes* I wish the apocalypse would come real soon...
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    Cannibalism in Australia?

    I hadnt seen it here either.
  19. B

    would i lose weight if...?(easy 10 points!)?

    i eat only at 4 oclock in the afternoon and i eat only the following: a bowl of oatmeal with a tsp of sugar. and water. i will also have a vigorious exersize plan. ^^if i do that plan above for the entire summer break, do you think i'll be able to lose a few pounds before school starts?
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    how do i sync my ipod from a different computer?

    okay so i have an ipod nano, and i bought alot of stuff from itunes that were never downloaded, because my computer is old and very slow. but im at a friends who has a new version of itunes, and im currently downloading all the stuff that never finished downloading. Well if i sync my ipod here...