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  1. T

    Christmas what.

    neato burrito
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    A request

    An organization here in the states called Concerns Of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) is really trying hard to kick off a new way of supporting law enforcement officers currently serving, and remembering those who have fallen in the line of duty. The request is simple... Put up a strand of blue...
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    Weekly Sketch Thread -

    I'm gonna sticky this thread coz I think it's cool
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Something that makes me Grrrrrrr...damn acid indigestion. Becoming a real problem. Especially when training. A doctor visit might be in order.
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? She wasn't just playing political games. She defamed a successful businessman in the process by implying something untoward had taken place. It's also a belter of an own goal. You'd think the Labour party would have done their research and...
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    Couple beer pong questions

    This is how we play! 1. As soon as both players on oppossing team have shot, but if they both make a cup then they are on fire ( they get balls back ) but if they both make the same cup then you have to drink 3 cups and they get balls back. 2. Yes they both make the last cup standing then it...
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    energy drink review

    I'll have to try NOS. I disagree about what you said about Rip It, it keeps me awake for hours
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    who said this do you know

    the bible
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    I just have a question to throw out before I hit the sack

    if u tell someone to not do something they are gonna do it... example, if u tell someone not to think of elephants they are gonna think of elephants. i know horrible example
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    Transgender Bodybuilder, Competes As A Woman

    Wondering now, where do you draw the line regards gender differences in sport? If a woman is fully physically female but has some endocrine issue which makes her hyper-secrete testosterone should she still be allowed in the female division? What about men with similar issues? Should a man with...
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    on family guy who else thinks that Lois Griffin has an annoying voice and...

    every comedy needs a serious "bring you down to earth" character, or else the story structure would be really hard to write
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    Back to the gold standard

    Hi there everyone. I'm sorry,but i coulden't come in sooner. I have to say that your reactions are high above my expectations,so i would like to thank you all. Hawever,it dusen't explain why some peaple still believe that the goldstandard could solve our economic problems. It has been tryed...
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    Wild accussation

    adouglasmhor wishes he was Fish of Doom
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    Wild accussation

    Van Zandt was the goat.
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    Campaign Against Homeopathy - Melbourne, Australia 2011

    That was very well done. Some actual eggheads among the sceptics who could make some sharp observations. He's right, it's a con. Should not be sold as "medicine".
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    Yep! I would rather have a body cavity search done by a steriod-taking customs agent than have to eat Marmite
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    Isolationist America - what if

    Where are your other if x country were isolationist would the world be better off thread? Where are your other threads bashing the patrons of stores outside of the US? Etc. They don't exist. You can hate the US all you want, but you are a Mod, please keep the hate to yourself. It is offensive.
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    (Attention Men!!) Want to live longer?

    To say that all women don't want men to look at their breasts would be ridiculous of me.After all, it's an innate human trait to try and attract a mate. Sometimes though,you just want to wear a nice tight top and it's annoying when you get your chest spoken to all night!
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    Poll: Guys wearing Crocs
