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  1. K

    Teacher bumping grades

    thats high school...
  2. K

    dumbest thing u have ever seen/ irony

    People that always hate on Chase's threads even though they're no different (sometimes better) than other threads in ST.
  3. K

    Is there any way to improve IQ?

    Second that one!
  4. K

    st how many pull ups can you do

    These are a few of my favorite things.
  5. K

    if you had one million dollars

    i would buy offtopic and make it faster :dodgy:
  6. K

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Its like the time i was in Hong Kong and ordered noodles and mixed meat and ended up with noodles and heart and lungs and livers and everything else i didn't want.
  7. K

    Balls Twisty

    I have never heard of this. I have heard of them being hit back INTO you and having to drop them back into your sac, but never twisted.
  8. K

    Thought of the Day British
  9. K

    Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

    He crossed the line from self-defence by a very long way.
  10. K

    The Bar is open!

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I read that and thought it was some kind of marinade for chicken I have a habit of dropping chicken in coffee. An odd type of protein energy drink
  11. K

    URGENT: name a dead celebrity for a themed party

    Shakespeare. Judy Garland. Or buy a blonde wig and go as Dusty Springfield.
  12. K

    Hester Prynne

    Haha, fuck. Youre killing me.
  13. K

    Out of Touch - Politicians

    You know, I'd usually be the first to criticize a politician, but on this occasion I don't think she's done anything wrong. I find the excuse she gave believable.
  14. K

    Your daily commute...

    about 3 minutes, most of that unlocking and locking my bike
  15. K

    Absolute mind control...

    Me too buddy, me too.
  16. K

    Whitney Houston - RIP

    err... wait... how does that work?
  17. K

    What shoe are you?

    I hate kung fu slippers, always have. For kung fu class I wear trainers and I go barefoot for offtopic.
  18. K

    To cry or not to cry?

    How much do I have to pay to see that?
  19. K


    Ok I'll give you that one. One of the guys out of D:Ream is that professor chap who presented the recent series on BBC about the solar system. I think it was called the 'Bunch of planets in space that revolve around the Sun" or something....
  20. K

