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  1. J

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    cold milk and sweet foodstuffs. the most effective barrier standing between me and a mindless genocidal rampage. MILK AND COOKIES FOR ALL!
  2. J

    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote]

    Ladies: Most Attractive Physique? [Pics & Vote] lol 4 is going to run away with the victory because it is a fashion shoot pic after all..
  3. J

    Are you guys crazy yet?

    fuck you
  4. J


    Solved the problem. Grew a beard
  5. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Aikido, although planning to try my hand at a bit of JuJitsu as well
  6. J

    need some help from you college expirenced folks!

    go where the beer flows golden and errr..well..err, thats how I chose my uni.
  7. J

    Zimmerman Martin Case

    I don't think a reasonable person would disagree with the stuff I've highlighted But. What if everything else that Zimmerman says is true? That Martin confronted him, attacked him, was on top of him slamming Zimmerman's head into the ground? Zimmerman shoots Martin in fear of his life. Is...
  8. J

    Blow your own horn.

    I don't have any recent stories, but I wanted to say this is a nice thread. Nice to see a break from all the negativity on the interwebz nowadays.
  9. J

    Chasing with monster?

    It's okay, but not preferable.
  10. J

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids Do you mean disc jockeys?
  11. J

    British/English Humor - the list

    No idea. I was an outsider from the start
  12. J

    US embassies attacked

    Eee I think wer getting into a new discussion terrotiry BM, and Im still at work so ill maybe make a post about this later. Raz
  13. J

    Circumcision reduces chances of HIV infection by 60%, says World Health Organization

    And you seem over eager to make this all about Mitlov. There is significant evidence that circumcision is effective as a way to prevent the spread of HIV. There is debate over how the mechanism works, but the studies are starting to stack up. Should we wait for 20-30 years in order to find out...
  14. J

    What audio book/podcast are you listening to?

    I contribute to carbon emissions a ton with my vehicle with long road trips that last from sun up to sun down, and every so often I listen to an audio book under way. The most recent was one my little brother had wanted me to read called The Hunger Games which he really liked. Very predictable...
  15. J

    Another example of tolerance

    I'm an atheist so I'm ok. The Bear.
  16. J

    Last Hair Cut Of My Life

    Why should I!?>!?
  17. J

    Talk some sense in to me please!

    A SCAR is a trophy, a crapped out digit or joint is a handicap... jus sayin... dont' punch me?
  18. J


    Are you proud to be British or English....or both?? I'm just being nosy here!
  19. J

    Why is Adonis so damn awesome?

    a big one as well :rolleyes:
  20. J

    Devil Dolls.....
