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  1. S

    If McCain wins the GE will Democrats scream that he stole it?

    It appears that McCain will sail on to the Whitehouse since Obama doesn't appeal to voters nation wide. Will Democrats cry voter fraud when McCain wins? Lisa (below) good point! ;o)
  2. S

    Do You think Obama supporters screaming racism everytime someone disagrees with him?

    Will cost him the election? It seems like no matter what You say about Obama, if You disagree with his policies or question his background and associations, Obama supporters cry racism. Why is that? I know that some people are ignorant and are racist, However, most of us just want to know the...
  3. S

    Now that their Rev. Wright smear has failed, are repubs back to spreading...

    Newsflash! Clinton continues to smear Obama about this issue. She even has told many Super delegates that it will make Obama unelectable in the GE.
  4. S

    Now that their Rev. Wright smear has failed, are repubs back to spreading rumors

    Newsflash! Clinton continues to smear Obama about this issue. She even has told many Super delegates that it will make Obama unelectable in the GE.