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  1. D

    Do they really wear kilts in Scotland?

    I ment that I posted it in another thread, but since I am exceedingly kind. Or foolish, what have you.
  2. D

    animal fight club

    vs. if you watched imaginationland you already know who is move evil.
  3. D

    Tendency to be attracted by specific accents - why?

    i never called you fat?
  4. D

    Anyone remember Dogtanian?

    Nah sure don't, might've been before my time.
  5. D

    check out my huge banana!!!

    fly kicks
  6. D

    End of the World, Etc (Split)

    Wth? Do you even know what global warming is? How can global warming occur on planets that don't have an atmosphere?
  7. D

    Welcome to ST, my best buds.

    I'm not your bud, pal.
  8. D

    help me win a bet

    There's no way I'm gonna do that, fuck you.
  9. D

    Top 3 reasons you still come back to ST

    1:ST:M 2:ST:M 3:Epic raids
  10. D

    The New Doctor

    Amen. I don't really watch Doctor Who with that level of consistency in mind either. I don't think I can account for that, as I like it in other series. But I feel like the quirkiness of this show is an even more fundamental attribute than any kind of verisimilitude. Though I freely...
  11. D

    For Dhalsim-on: Evolution

    Well, I was told that to discuss Dhalsim-on's problems with the theory of evolution we should look at a new thread. As such, here we are. In another recent thread Dhalsim-on stated that he doesn't accept the theory of evolution, and implied that the fact that it was only a theory was somehow a...
  12. D

    The opposite of Light....

    As has been pointed out, fermions (like photons) are their own anti-particles. So light is the "opposite" of light in that sense. More specifically, photons precisely out of phase with the original light source could destructively interfere with them making the room actually darker when you you...
  13. D

    Religion vs Science

    I dunno. The only time I get upset is when religious people try to push religion in the classroom. I.D. is not science. Other then that I don't really care. People can believe whatever they want. People used to believe the world was flat and scientists used to believe that spontaneous...
  14. D

    Now that their Rev. Wright smear has failed, are repubs back to spreading...

    Pretty much. If you can't win on issues you have to win on lies. It's the republican way.
  15. D

    Now that their Rev. Wright smear has failed, are repubs back to spreading rumors

    Pretty much. If you can't win on issues you have to win on lies. It's the republican way.