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  1. Q

    Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch DORITOS

    Which one do you preffer?
  2. Q

    funyn pic thread

    yah yesterday on like pg 19 or so i founda funy thread where there be a yellow sign that says this is ur brian and this is ur brain on drugs and underneath it says this is ur buthole and this is your but hole in prison and the first comment is say no to big pooper i need help find this thread
  3. Q

    I just bought a 80GB PS3 at $399.99 and now I read rumors of a $100 price cut on...

    ...Sun Mar 22 ? True or not ? I got mine on Thursday March 19 ! If the rumors are true that there's going to be a $100 price cut on Sunday March 22, can I return and get the $100 off my PS3 ?
  4. Q

    How has the internet affected the way you watch tv ?

    Do you watch more tv via the internet or the old fashioned way ?
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    How and when did you get your PS3 ?

    Did you pay cash ? Was it a gift ? Did you buy it or did your parents buy it for you Did you save up for it ? Or did you charge it ? Looking back, was the PS3 worth the money you paid for it ?
  6. Q

    For Playstation console fans ! Have you bought a PS3 yet ?

    If so, what do you like and dislike about the system and available games. If you haven't bought a PS3, what's the reason you haven't !
  7. Q

    Will you buy the $150 Blu-rayless PS3 that Sony has anounced ?

    Sony just announced they'll be coming out with a new PS3 that won't have a blu-ray dvd drive ! Are you interested in a blu-rayless PS3 for $150 ? Link to story: