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  1. E

    1,300 Best Public High Schools in America

    Lol mine of course ain't on there. Ghetto as fuck.
  2. E

    How do i arrange a romantic vacation with my sister in Spain?

    simply share your feelings no one likes to be lied to. So tell her your intensions and hope for the best never plan a trip you will regret with her being clueless.
  3. E

    best places to nap at work

    Here.. have this twice a day
  4. E

    I think I have OCD

    I'm actually the dick that you see most often in that video. There's a scene of a dude in a bath-tub with no dick and a backwards hat, that's my brodie.
  5. E

    Police Burtality or Preformance of Duty???

    In order to roll him they have to let up on him, if he's cooperating, Great! If not, he's going to use it as a chance to get free again. Everytime he gets free he's a threat to the officers involved, the community around him and even himself to a degree.
  6. E

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Ah ye olde UK and USA thing , I got a few things to say about this... Americans suck at war, sure you have resources but do you have brains? no. Just look at iraq and you'll see what I mean the only way you would ever defeat the UK in a war is if you used Nukes, come on that's normally the only...
  7. E

    Hints for Starting University

    That reminds me of something else its worth keeping in mind; when you arrive, try and get your parents to buy you a whole load of long-lasting food (tinned stuff, vaccuum packed pasta etc) and stuff it into a cupboard. When I first got there, you had to claim yourself a spot in the kitchen to...
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    Thought of the Day

    And then the thread gets all...
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    Abortion is Wrong

    Personally I would rate viability (if that's the criteria a person wants to use to determine when a abortion would be allowed) by going by the youngest age that a premature baby has survived being born. Which I think is around 26 weeks at the moment? With that age going down as medical care...
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    Who Created God?

    Like I said, I have no idea what it means.
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    Making a Power Kite

    I've been trying to find some video of kite kayaking for you but all the stuff on youtube is people using them to tow boats. It's quite big around here for the adrenalin junkies and they get some serious air on windy days. I never realized the power of the wind, even after the kite incident...
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    Dbz Rapes Tits

    Just lettin you know that im over 40 years old and dragon ball Z is my favorite show. it rapes tits. If there is a better show... please feel free to tell me what tit is.
  13. E

    what nationality are you.

    Armenian // Italian
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    text messaging

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    anyone here know any languages other than English?

    That is AWESOME! I tried learning Huttese, which isn't anywhere near as developed as Klingon, but all I can remember is "Ho, ho, ho Han mi buki". I could so easily be a protocol droid.
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    pics of yr room V.eleventeen niner

    Don't get out of bed or anything.... :dodgy:
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    My girlfriend is awesome!

    OK there's a slight detour
  18. E

    Apocalypes NOW???

    Lets hope humans can learn from past mistakes man...
  19. E

    Why fight when you can snipe?

    I liked the A2, and never had a problem with it, but then I never went "hot and sandy!". As for the AK, it is such a simple and popular weapon because it is realiable and so very easy to fix. Any Blacksmith with a simple forge can manufacture the requisite mechanism and fix any parts that are...