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    Jake Brown crash caption

    post a caption for what hes thinking!!!!
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    Haunted Swing Set?

    U gotta be kidding me. Theres a friggin kid flying a kite in the backround, its obviously windy and they SAY its been going for 10 days. *racist comment against Argentina*
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    Sliding in a front wheel drive car

    Or you could get rid of your civic and buy a real car with a manual transmission and rear wheel drive.
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    Shootings in Virginia

    Not on about the right to bear arms, just that they all semeed shocked when something like this happens. It seems to becoming more regular thing nowadays. May as well turn it into a sporting event.... At least it will give the trenchcoats something to do.
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Bruce Lee could beat anyone in a fight, he would smack down the U.S like nothing.
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    What Theme do you use?

    default everything aligned to the right (i miss the fucking side-bar) stupid field/store thing turned off
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Yes thank you, chavette would be the correct term. I only need to have a little girl call it chardonnay, pierce its ears when its 3 months old and my chavness shall be complete.... Seriously if I ever turn into one (unlikely) you all have permission to punch me in the face. A lot.
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    Election 2005

    but that wouldnt be politics my friend unfortunately BS is all part and parcel, as is mud slinging. this is especially true in election campaigns though this one has been particularly vicious with more accusations of lying than any other in history i think. all i can say on the subject is...
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    Best Buy

    Wow you're stupid
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    Women in the Infantry

    Is that any different to the concerns raised before about strength and size? As a completely off topic point I still find it weird that a medieval knight wearing head to toe metal plate still carried less weight than an infantry soldier today.
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    Homosexuality & Raising Kids

    Homosexuality & Raising Kids Having been a victim of severe bullying at school, I can assure you that having two dads would not have made things any worse. That kid's childhood depends entirely on whether the other kids like him or not - if they do then he won't be bullied, if they don't then...
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    did you study?

    finals complete *que final fantasy victory music* I only had to memorize 97 terms 12 direct quotes (who said it, date, title, and significance) and 3 comprehensive quotes (who said it, date, title, significance, impact, how it affects us today) fuck history since 1877 EDIT- on a plus side i...
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    They let you down

    This is an interesting website It shows all the lies told by conservatives and labour regarding their votes on European legislation
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    MAP Superlatives

    How about I nominate Tika for "most likely to tackle someone she doesn't know?"
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    XCOM Enemy Unknown (2012) Video Game by Firaxis Games

    It will be available on PC, XBox 360, and Playstation 3. There is not an official release date, but the unofficial release date according to Amazon is December 31, 2012. I could not find any published system requirements yet.
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    Fish pedicure

    I think this coming year it's going to be massive here in the UK and then probably disappear. I'm going to see if my friend is going to open his and if not try the one in Chester. Only really heard good about them (slip excluded of course)
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    No need for me to say much only that i mostly agree with him.

    Umm, the problem is that I have not at all said islam is a threat to our way of life. I have said those that are currently a threat (to what the world wants to see a far as human rights), tend to associate themselves with islam. There is a big difference there. The problem is your apparent...
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    I just got a Cheeseburger Catchup only after watching the CWS fireworks. Omaha ftw
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    oh deary me.... I just watched it and some guy was shouting pretty agressively at someone else for about 3 minutes, don't know what about though....
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    The Death Penalty

    I suspect that the threat was more perceived than actual. They had more difficulty than the USA did in keeping their 'gang' together. (e.g. Hungary and Czechoslovakia - and they 'lost' Yugoslavia.) The USSR was never expansionist any more than the USA was. They both just tried to maintain...