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  1. W

    High Heels!?!

    I thought it meant to trip and fall, but now i live in doubt . Nah, i am pretty sure it means that.
  2. W

    Riddle Me This

    Ask either of the guards "If I asked the other guard which button I push to release my friend, what would he say?" then do the opposite.
  3. W

    Capital Punishment

    Yeah, sorry if this has been done before guys, I didn't realise. But, what the hell.
  4. W

    NHS privitisation explained -

    Yeah. Not going to happen in the UK. Besides we're supposed to have moved on from the Victorian era. Paying a small amount of tax for all the health care you will ever need in your whole life is a far better way.
  5. W

    The Strike

    The current lot do not have a mandate. Also, we don't really live in a democracy in the sense that most people use it.
  6. W

    Omg did you see the news?

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    Valentines Day

    I plan to encourage the giving of anti valentine's day cards, with phrases such as 'I'd rather shag a dead rabbit' or 'you repulse me' written on the front.
  8. W

    Why men die before women

    Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ... the female insistence men be good at DIY is why we die. You all saw the evidence.
  9. W

    When and why?

    Old Age
  10. W

    Daffy Duck boxing episode

    ROTFLMAO!!! I haven't seen that clip in about 20 years!!!! Nice one for posting. Someone buy Listy a pint! There is another kicking around out there with Bugs Bunny and some old time wrestlers. Also a classic.
  11. W

    Straw help

    Anyone know of any place to get some sweet crazy straws. I looked on google and all I got was lame buzz lightyear and cars straws. And an article about wee wee shaped crazy straws that some lady bought form walmart. Is there a way I can buy some vinyl tubing or other type of tubing and do...
  12. W

    This man needs help (US VET)

    I researched the story before I posted, but I was pretty sure from the start. There are actually a number of regulations pertaining to proper display of the flag. Being that he is former military I could assume he is also familiar with the requirments and would be in compliance.
  13. W

    Craziest line you ever used on a girl

    So true Lol
  14. W

    The Word Game IV

  15. W

    Do you have a personality disorder?

    YOu're just keeping us on our toes, right? sir?
  16. W

    The Pressure of Obesity

    Now is it the woman's fault for wanting to go to work or the man's for not adapting when we had the chance? Now due to the necessary costs involved in living the choice of whether you both worked has pretty much been removed, you have to.
  17. W

    What are you eating for thanksgiving dinner?

    Belgium waffles covered in mayonnaise.
  18. W

    3 Samsung Alias phones. HELP!?

    Okay so heres the deal. Easter day i got the Samsung - Alias *SCH-u740* And so i started having MAJOR problems with it, like i would send a text messege and my phone would restart! So we took it back and they gave us a new one; they transferred all my data into the new phone .. about 3 days...
  19. W

    What does a carpet and a man have in common?

    Hahahha! Aw man so freakin true my friend!