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  1. N

    Ramen Noodles

    Yeah Kebabs with loads of onion, peppers, whole garlic, beef or chicken marinated in a hot curry! Then add in the beer, heavy or dark amber! Let it stew a good couple of hours, do a 5 minute skipping session, then go snuggle up to my wife.
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    My school sucks

    you have to wear shorts in winter?
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    If the ninjerz can have a chat thread then why can't wee goddammit.!! My dummy is in the street about to be run over by a battered old Volkvagon Beetle. *squash* mm lemon. I want what this kidz having, only i want the real thing. with coca cola...
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Well I pointed out why we shouldn't give aid to Israel, and no one has refuted it. I also want to point out a democracy is not always a good thing. I really love how Israel today killed 56 civlians and ONE Hezbollah fighter. Good ratio, if we want to kill 100 fighters we only have to kill...
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    Isreal denies access to higher education.

    Israel is a screwed up country fullstop, Palestine are still angry after years of war, What did you expect
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    A good Scotch whiskey

    Glenmorangie is a good whisky, which has a comparatively subtle flavour. But lagavulan is my personal favourite. However the tastes of single malts varies quite a lot depending on the location of the distillary. As a rule of thumb the further north the more peaty and "heavy" the taste. Find out...
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    its hailing in new york

    Not Hailing in LI... ITs actually sunny
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    Mermaid, or Reverse Mermaid?

    mermaid. hj/bj/cj/making out/ other benefits. plus she can hold a conversation with you better than a fish could
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    NBA quiz!!!! ( please do if you follow NBA)?

    What up Riley, 1) Favorite Team: Los Angeles Lakers 2) Favorite Player: "Pistol" Pete Maravich. 3) Favorite Point Guard: Earvin "Magic" Johnson 4) Favorite Shooting Guard: Jerry "The Logo" West 5) Favorite Small Forward: "Big Game"James Worthy 6) Favorite Power Forward: Charles "The...
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    British EU rebate

    Mmmnn well whether thats true or not aside, this time the arguments actually over the EU budget.
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    Women banned from direct combat roles in US army

    There have been huge studies that show, given the same training as men, women are better shots, do better with complicated electronics, are more level headed, and perform better under pressure. The idea that women couldn't perform well in combat is sexist and outmoded and a real slam on women...
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    Questions on old snowmobile?

    I have a 1979 ski-doo blizzard 5500 that I inherited from my uncle. I know that it requires mixed fuel. My question is what type of fuel and oil do I need to use?
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    basketball Ref question?

    What up Joe, Typically yes. If the foul is under the basket the ball will taken out from the baseline. Nickster
  14. N

    Shaq or Kobe who gets the last laugh?

    What up Hair Canada, Who had the first laugh? Shaq- he was born before Kobe- and he's always laughing. In terms of overall legacy i think Kobe still has a ring or two left in him and i think that Shaq's comments today about LeBron shows that he is fading into obscurity but trying to remain...
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    Well the Army finaly fucked me.

    So slapping a label on somebody automatically suspends judgment on the situation? (apparently so) The people in Iraq have done absolutely nothing to the people of the US, except for those that went to Iraq. Whether or not the Iraq war is justified is debatable, but making it an issue of good...
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    My Brother Is Dating A Russian

    inkd saves the day
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    Family Guy

    lol..damn i didn't see that episode =\
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    should you ever stay with someone just because you like being in a relationship?

    That's never a good idea. Relationships are not merely touching a girl and enjoying the experience. You have to match, you were right, that was no true relationship you were in.
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    Meeting Ryan Sheckler tomorrow....

    are u srsly makin a thread about meeting ryan sheckler. :facepalm: i see that kid all the time, he looks like hes 12
  20. N

    Really Bad Posion Ivy *Pics* *Nasty Shit*

    i tried. but i was already a little full