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  1. R

    Look what came today, for real this time.

    That was cool when I joined. In 2k4....
  2. R

    Steven Hawkins in space...

    Within his field his excellence may well be comparable, I'm not a student of theoretica physics and cosmology so I cant comment on the advances he personally has made, although the Royal Society did in 2006 award him their highest honour for outstanding research, previous winners of which...
  3. R

    "Cool" things you did in Middle School

    "Cool" things you did in Middle School * Made fake cum and put it on handrails (baby powder and shampoo). * Wiped ass sweat all over a soda bottle, and purposefully got it taken away by the noon duties. * Filled water balloons and condoms with katchup and mustard and used a water balloon...
  4. R

    Top Ten Beers,does this include your fave?

    i do cus its weak as piss and i'm a lightweight!!
  5. R

    Rate the poster above you

    9/10. had to take off 1/10 because everytime he posts i have to read his full signature.....and it is a novel. lol
  6. R

    MAP Member Mind Avatar

    Most of the introductions and familiarity with other members on MAP don't come from knowing what the person you're interacting with actually look like at first, if ever (post videos people!). I always make mental images I associate with the user name. If you're familiar with my username, how do...
  7. R

    st, what do you drink?

  8. R

    Ban the last poster before you post

    because loving fishes is wrong
  9. R

    What is your choice?

    Can't forget the Batmobile.
  10. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." You have the wrong wording as it was ratified. Per the supreme court that coofftopic makes...
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    Map Anagrams

    {{KT gives Richie one sip of beer}}
  12. R

    best and worst chat up lines

    Awkward at the time, but now, it's great for conversation. :awesome:
  13. R

    Back to the gold standard

    It's not the same as welfare, either in function or in its affect on economic growth. Propping up the banks wasn't Keynesian. Who said anything about raising taxes? I certainly didn't. You can't use Greece as an example against Keynesian stimulus because their economy has collapsed, they...
  14. R

    Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?"

    Fox News on sexual assault: "What did they expect?" No. The solution which I've already pointed out is for you and people like you to break your old voting habits. It's a very simple thing to do. Al it takes is a little word of mouth. Something your government still hasn't managed to sensor yet.
  15. R

    Any Hunters?

    Ha perhaps you should read a little closer.
  16. R

    Cybernation V5.0

    So I sell off everything, send it all in an aid package, and not log on for a few days. When I get back on to check some stuff out, i've been attacked. So I turn around, buy 100 soldiers off what lil money I got left, and put him into Anarchy. :D
  17. R

    Chuck Norris Saves Bakery

    Chuck Norris doesnt need a bakery...women throw their buns at him when he walks by
  18. R

    BNP membership leaked.

    ironically the car didn't belong the BNP member - how peeved would you be if your car got fire bombed cos your neighbour was a racist?