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  1. J

    Monachy: good or bad ?

    True. But they also don't work to get achieve their status. I'd gladly put up with being stared at by a load of Americans if I had that much money.
  2. J

    Look how cool my city is.....lets all do the safety dance

    It's the same reason that construction workers where neon orange vests, it makes you more noticeable.
  3. J

    A WoW Addicted Friend Headed A Bad direction..

    Also most are teens with bad humor. It was way more fun when you post during the day.
  4. J

    gays v everthing

    minorities are gay.
  5. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    grrrr, i tried to do a good act and couldn't was on the tram on the way home, and a woman tried to get on but couldn't reach the door on time, and i tried to press the door opener button, but the tram started moving half a second before i pressed it. and there were people closer to the button...
  6. J

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    MAP in child trafficking shock.
  7. J

    Thought of the Day

    I get that the Apple store is all edgy and progressive. But I don't need a "Genius bar." I need one of you geniuses to show me where the flipping cash register is so I can actually BUY something.
  8. J


    Can I take over Australia? huh can I can I can I
  9. J

    Discrimination against Soldiers

    Pretty much, yes. You don't salute him otherwise he can be identified as an officer by the enemy and will likely become their prioritised target.
  10. J

    this clip is soooo funny

    Kill Bill Pai Mei Scene - YouTube thought this was hillarious. check it out!
  11. J

    It feels like...

    Thank you. Unfortunately, the area of my state that I live in has been one of the hardest hit by this "recession."I and it's economy was never that great to begin with. I should move (my grandfather has offered employment at his business numerous times) but I can't seem to bring myself to do it.
  12. J


    Ohai. How are you doing?
  13. J

    Sea kittens! WTF?

    sounds good. Where can I get them?
  14. J

    worst gifts

    well my grandparents from my dads side both died and my grandparents from my moms side both live in Venezuela so i dont get anything from grandparents
  15. J

    Help Me! My dad thought I was watching gay stuff on the internet!?

    Well, basically, our computer was located on the living room. So, I have to use the computer and do some internet stuff on the living room. One night, it was like almost midnight, and I was downloading so much stuff in, when suddenly this pop up appeared and all it said was WATCH...
  16. J

    Is it okay to install Yahoo! Toolbar on my Internet Explorer?

    I've read before that the Yahoo! Toolbar is a spyware software and it updates itself without telling you. Is that true? is it okay if I install it?
  17. J

    How do i get Dial Up Internet?

    You can at least change the operating system to WINDOWS XP. It will be very hard if we will answer to a Windows 2000.