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    a message from aliens?!?!

    I'd beat
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    it has thousands of uses :rolleyes:
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    Ubuntu Linux Help. I want out! lol?

    If you don't like Linux... why go to Win 8 which is a Linux wanabe. Any hoo, all you need to do is insert the Win 8 install disk and install it... it will over write the Ubuntu installation when it formats the drive for installation. Win 8 is aimed at tabs and touch-screens... unless you have...
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    At work i have Websence and it doesnt allow me to connect to Social sites?

    You are not at work to be on the social networks... thats why they are blocked. Your employer obviously thinks you are old enough to pull yourself away from make believe long enough to put in a day of work for your paycheck.
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    Zimmerman Martin Case

    Its a strange world, when you can follow somebody in a car, pick up a gun and get out the car, chase them down, then shoot the person you was following, and then call it self defense. Not only did he have a history of violence, he even had a restraining order placed against him. This 'tough...
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    Colonialism and Imperialism

    Then I am in agreement with you- there always is 2 sides to a story and I wouldn't deny that there were some benefits gained by colonies but I do think its fairly justified to dwell on the negative aspects given that they outweigh the positive in a fairly high ratio. As I said its analogous to...
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    You can choose one, cats or dogs....

    I disagree with all of you. I dont have allergies, but I have 2 cats and a dog and I still prefer the horse in my backyard much easier to take care of and if your cars broken you can still go out on a date.......not that I'd know or anything....
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    Margaret Thatcher has died

    ok, I'll answer my own question here then. The reason Heath introduced the 3day week was due to the necessity to conserve energy. This was due to the coal miners strike action. A situation where a union can bring a country to that point is a joke. Would we really put up with it now, you think...
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    Keep it on topic please ShadowHawk Mitch
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    So My IQ is 159.....what about you?

    i clicked all yesa as fast as i could and got 118
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    Broken bones?

    broke my wrist snowboarding... then a few years later rather than land on my wrist again i tried to hit the ground with my shoulder, broken collar bone. then i most likely broke my nose at a concert after getting punched, id get random bloody noses and shit. thats it so far
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    this is messed up

    Poop on her chest.
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    my computer keeps rejecting blank dvd's?

    Is it in fact a dvd drive? or just cd?
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    Life plan! Canada Here I Come

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    The Airplane you wear on your back.

    Haha:P But seriously, it won't.
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    How do I convert a .tar backup to .tar.gz?

    Be sure you have GNUzip installed, then gzip the tar file.
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    sick ppl

    I saw the people eating baluts (unhatched almost fully-grown duck/chicken embyro), it really did turn my stomach - and this was on tv Haggis (sheep's stomach) sounds disgusting, but I tried it in scotland and it isn't that bad. I've heard that the only animals (uk or us?) marines are not...
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    Hangover Cure's

    LOL Good list booksie. Here's three that I've been familiar with.... Seeing as I don't have much else to do at the moment, I'll write a little story to set the backdrop for "the three". Firstly, it was my 18th Birthday party. About two thirds of the way through the party, one of my mates...
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    Press internet icon. my HOMPAGE is different and goes to like kelkoo or...

    You've been hi-jacked! It's a virus/trojan.
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    How do you connect to the internet using a dial-up?

    A cable modem is for Broadband connection through it will not work with dial-up. Dial-up connections are made through a modem that is either all ready installed in your computer plugging into the back, or through an external modem that sits on your desk or wall connected to the...