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  1. M

    "al Qaeda network" is a myth. What exactly was bin Laden's base in...

    ...Afghanistan? Was he capable of doing 9/11? What exactly is the truth about 9/11 and bin Laden, behind the media creation that, since 9/11, there is actually still a terror threat? "al Qaeda" was in Afghanistan and we destroyed it during invasion...
  2. M

    Could someone please verify with evidence/proof that the culprit of 9/11 was...

    ...indeed bin Laden? Since he really isn't as powerful as media say he is/was...FBI say he is not wanted for 9/11 coz he cant be linked...why is that? Why was the confession tape a fake with actors? (I've seen it. Why did the government have to make this fake confession tape if bin Laden really...
  3. M

    al Qaeda = bogus? As Sahab mediawing = government creation? Who and where is al

    Qaeda? Terror threat = zilch? Usama bin Laden and 9/11 make no sense ---- He obviously died years ago. Last year's tape pauses from 1:58 and his voice, as in his "string of audiotapes", just sounds like someone else doing a decent impression. Confession tape = definate actor, not Usama bin...
  4. M

    My DVD player (Technika) only accepts European (region 2) even thoguh its...

    ...meant to be multi-region? Password? Technika is the make.of my DVD player and there is only one region 1 DVD that it accepts, but you then have to put in a password. Could you please tell me what DVD player I need to play all regions? Could you link me to DEFINATE multi-region DVD players...
  5. M

    Hello any Muslims I wanna learn language of Qur'an (on my path to Islam

    inshallah), any good links or DVD plz? 29 letters in the arabic alphabet...ok I have no idea why?!! There's 26 of it's especially difficult learning arabic? This is gonna be haaaaard... P.S. is the Quranic language just arabic or is it a special kind of arabic? I have absolutely no...
  6. M

    Could someone youtube link me to the vid of Zarqawi admitting to attacks or an

    attack on Iraqis? Why wud he?!? Why do these nutty terrorists have to loose their mind? Zarqawi had every right to resist the occupiers, but he just ended up being an extreme al Qaeda terrorist like they do...y blame Islam & not them? What about all these daily bombings? What if they're not...
  7. M

    How would you view a controversial Hollywood horror about Muhammad as it would...

    ...hurt & anger muslims so much? As an Islamic/Qur'anic studier, I imagined epic film that HONESTLY SHOWS MUHAMMAD FOR WHO HE WAS as the glorification of him as a prophet wiv a religion is disgraceful & muslims lie so much. I respect that they have their beliefs and they are religious, but the...