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  1. C

    Willing To Pay $$$ For Good Idea

    Im trying to think of what would be a sweet website to make that doesn't really yet exist or only crappy versions of it do. Please try to be serious. If you can come up with a good idea that a can build off of i will be willing to pay you. I would prefer you pm me ideas for privacy issues. Thanks.
  2. C

    Rolls not Buns!

    I want a sandwich man!!! And by that,before anyone claims I am being rude again, I mean I would like a man (or woman) to deliver a sandwich or butty or bap or baguette of my choosing to my office at lunchtime!
  3. C

    Life or Death situation.

    good to see that youre still a complete faggot trying to impress a bunch of 15 year olds :tup: ok so ok guys like were gonna drive a car, in a hypothetical situation but you have no gas!! would you ride a bike or eat a walrus?
  4. C

    After converting DVDs to Video_ts folders, I burn to disc which makes the movie...

    ...skip constantly.? Hello, I download movies and use the free program 'avi2dvd' to convert the .avi movie into a Video_ts folder. I just started using DvD Flick as of a couple of hours ago and it is all the same. Free, no watermarks or trials so they're both good and easy to use. But now the...
  5. C

    post pictures of your room.

    i like variety. i just got vanilla, first time trying it
  6. C

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    harry potter is your ex?
  7. C

    Embryo research

    The thing is, this shouldn't be an emotive issue. Animal testing is an emotive issue, foreign policy is an emotive issue, whether to eat in or take away is an emotive issue, embryo research isn't. The people who think it is are ignorant of what actually takes place.
  8. C

    US embassies attacked

    We're animals. Pure and simple.
  9. C

    Is the Mastercard Marketplace promotion a scam?

    First law of economics: There's no such thing as a free lunch. Second law: If it's too good to be true, it usually isn't true.
  10. C

    Are there any dinosaurs in the LaBrea Tar Pits?

    If so, that means the tar was there before the dinosaurs. So how could oil be a product of fossilized vegetation?
  11. C

    what is the best joke you can think of?

    I found this very funny from Hollow Man. A joke about Superman, and Wonder Woman:
  12. C

    In Saving Private Ryan, when the sniper in the bell tower got hit...?

    When the tank took out the sniper in the bell tower it had to raise it's cannon. If the sniper had enough time, do you think he could have blown up the tank by shooting into the barrow of the cannon and blown up the artillery shell that was inside?
  13. C

    Do you know that George W. Bush graduated from both Yale and Harvard?

    These are the two most highly regarded universities in the US. How can this be?!
  14. C

    Of these four classic rock artists touring next year (listed inside) who

    I'd go see the Stones. There's a better chance that someone in the band will drop dead of a heart attack during the concert, and you get to say that you were there.
  15. C

    Whats it mean if I laugh instead of cry?

    I was thinking of seeing a doctor or a shrink. I grew up watching comedy and love comedy. I preform stand-up two times a week at a local bar here where I live. I've noticed though, when I broke my arm from my quad tipping, and other times I've hurt myself. I laugh instead of cry. So instead...
  16. C

    Soviet Britain

    Not all of them. Also is NATO turned against us using their military wouldn't that include our armed forces
  17. C

    Super Tacobell Adventure Number 2.5 (56k Gtfo)

    taco, i had chipotle like 5 mins ago! chipotle> taco bell
  18. C

    The MAP edited pics thread.

    {Observes current threads} Andy what have you started! (of course if there was anyone to start such a humeous banter in threads, then it would be you eh? ) Poor Cain, I'm sure you are going to get 'revenge' somehow aint you?