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  1. nicole13777

    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    She's stunning freaky. Plus she's in the new St. Trinians movie and giant posters of her are plastered in the shop window of some shop in town. I'm going to pinch them. Mmmm Lily Cole.
  2. nicole13777

    More Police Brutality?

    Since we have one thread started about use of excessive force by the by the police, how about this one? I know the cops have a hard job and I have friends who are cops. I have also worked plenty of security jobs to see some of it from their side. That being said I have see plenty of cops with...
  3. nicole13777

    Imagine punching somebody so hard that they turned into a door.

    I'm eating a salad with catalina dressing and croutons. It's delicious.
  4. nicole13777

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Nice You is impressive
  5. nicole13777

    Tottenham Riots

    Yeah , it's starting to pop up on BBC and sky now.
  6. nicole13777

    Eating Out

    You can't beat a good Italian restaurant - not a place serving tasteless pizzas but a *proper* Italian restaurant.
  7. nicole13777

    Basic Disarm

    Matt Bernius hit on the big points. I'd add that the best disarms are the ones that happen in the course of accomplishing something else (so that the disarm costs you nothing and puts you at no additional risk). For example, the most basic disarm in FMA (open for debate I'm sure) is simple to...
  8. nicole13777

    Help me name my blog!

    I'm thinking of starting up a blog again but I can't think of a name for it. It's not going to be on any particular topic, just my thoughts on things. Can anyone help?
  9. nicole13777

    What are you doing right now?

    Why are you making lists? Are you writing a will? Do I get anything? What do I get?
  10. nicole13777

    Math help

    Alright- I was trying to avoid doing your work for you, so this is the last one. x^2 -7x -6 =0 1) Take the plain number to the other side x^2 -7x =6 2) add the square of half the coefficient of x to both sides x^2 -7x+ (49/4) = 6+(49/4) 3) combine the numbers on the right side 6+(49/4)=...
  11. nicole13777

    Why has this taken 38 years?

    Groups like the IRA (and lets not forget the Loyalist groups, who went around killing anyone with a Southern accent) are certainly not blameless. However, an organised and disciplined military unit simply does not go round killing innocent civilians who had no link to paramilitaries, apart from...
  12. nicole13777

    Immortality predicted in 20 years

    I don't think conspiracy theories are much to worry about in the future, the technology for networking human minds is closer (relatively) than a lot of people assume. It'll be optional but as soon as small hive minds start it'll become uncommon not to be linked in some way. Unconceivable at the...
  13. nicole13777

    Adventure with geese

  14. nicole13777

    Homosexuality is Wrong

    [No message]
  15. nicole13777

    How do you make the moving pictures? (on the internet)?

    like on myspace you see ppl's healines and there a bunch of pics. its on other sites tooo there like fast slideshows... how do u do that? and not the marquee code like a slideshow
  16. nicole13777

    Question for Catholics. (Jokes will be warned)?

    Just answer honestly. You will never tell a priest something he has not heard before. We must confess the whole sin, otherwise we are guilty of a new sin. The priest will not judge you, and you are not the first person to confess this sin. You will feel better after the sacrament, just be...
  17. nicole13777

    Did your husband play an April Fool's Joke on you by asking for a divorce....?

    He packed his bags and everything!! How long do you think he will carry this joke on? I haven't heard from him in 3 hours..Men are so funny!...
  18. nicole13777

    Celebrities, Ipod?

    band- listens too parmore- jimmy eat world panic at the disco- hte beatles miley cyrus- hilary duff fob-panic panic-fob naked brothers band- green day