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  1. H

    Innocent till proven guilty - or witch hunt?

    I try to tune it all out now, I'm sick of 15 minutes of a 30 minute news broadcast being dedicated to an incident that is happening hundreds of miles away. Yes its a shame, and yes theres a lesson in it for everyone "Leaving your young children alone whilst you go out on a jolly is a really...
  2. H

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    They couldn't win even if they did that.... You cannot wipe out a a terror group....Not to mention Hezbollah has been preparing for this for years.....They would cause so much damage to Israel that they Israel might as well have just nuked the place. So yes, Isreal cannot win militarily aside...
  3. H


    He can OD on whatever he likes. I couldn't care less. I also couldn't care less if there was any truth to homoeopathy or not. It's the way Randi behaves during the test that bothers me. The test I saw was on the BBC's Horizon program.
  4. H

    So My IQ is 159.....what about you?

    its true and false, it really cant be that acurate
  5. H

    Men, women, and sex

    Yeah I think you are being pedantic. We're discussing teenagers and adults in the normal context of teenagers and adults. Not some weird debating definition for the sake of winning a point.
  6. H

    Japan quake

    I do hope it works/helps. if they haven't got enough on their plate
  7. H

    I just got asked to prom...

    1. eat too much candy 2.get fat 3.She hats fat people 4.? 5.profit PS. I like "egg salad"
  8. H

    Prisoners set up MMA tourney

    You do know what I do for a living, right? You do realise that you have absolutely no idea of my direct experience of the prison system, don't you? You do realise you are basically indulging in a very poor argument to authority? Er... You do realise that is exactly what happens in alot of...
  9. H

    Biodiesel from algae

    Some are. Like Honda.
  10. H

    Is it wrong???

    Actually here's a fairly accurate recreation of a pain of Rus Viking trousers Giant pant have been cool for over a thousand years
  11. H

    what would you do if your child was being beaten up on your front lawn?

    Poor Josh Unfortunately she's right. This is just normal for many of today's teenagers.
  12. H

    Funny Divorce Letter

    i found it amusing, but to tired to actually lol.
  13. H


    Well our lot here got us up at 5.50am , Its our babies first xmas too so she was a bit bewildered LOL. We are all having fun though. Take care Clare
  14. H

    Michale Jackson is the most kind hearted celebrity ?

    i love mj even though people say he mollests kids. srry if i misspelled some words i'm in a hurry.
  15. H

    can dwarf hamsters eat oatmeal?

    my dwarf hamster loves it but i dont think i should give it to her. it is just plain old dry oats.