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  1. M

    Licking your own elbow.

    oooooooohhhhhhh! does your mummy know her little princess has been stealing????
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    LOL! Seriously... if you want a close clean shave.. learn how to use a straight razor (with safety guard in place) and shaving cream. You can usually buy the straight razor with a leather strap for sharpening and the things last forever. When you add up what you pay every year for disposable...
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Pro-life sickos PISS ME OFF. I normally totally respect someone's right to their views but damn, when someone is arguing that I should be forced to have a baby against my will...yeah, hard to keep my 'rational calm debater' hat on.
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    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    Where in New York are you? The salt of winter fucks cars over hard. Good call with that. I see too many nice cars on the road this time of year.
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    Australian police state highway patrol car stolen

    I had a good laugh when I heard this on the news, the offender was pulled over after being found to be driving a stolen car then another officer turned up because he knew the man, a scuffle ensued and despite the officers using batons and OC spray to try and subdue him the guy got away from them...
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    Warriors of the Clouds

    I love it... from now I'll start threads and just blindly grasp at whatever random nonsense there is out that may somehow be loosely related to what I'm talking about. Even if the chances are 8 billion to 1 that it actually has any real relevance. Sweet Mother of God the continual FAIL in this...
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    Would you consider this joke racist?

    I doubt they even knew what a sepoy was... Why are you using words like ferenghis and kanjus btw?
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    What do you guys think about this??

    why are you getting full rides?
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    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    It just doesn't make sense. beyond the fact the closure was not built good enough to stop the animals from escaping. The security of the zoo was lacking. Nobody spotted those drunk and stoned kids and nobody stopped or attempted stopping people from harrasing the animals. There was areas where...
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    Pig milk for human consumption... why or why not?

    Mmmmm I just had a GREAT bacon buttie! I would give pig milk a try- after all I tend to drink goats milk, took a while but you get used to it.Suppose it all depends how it tastes!
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    One for my military friends...

    very very funny, co-workers will get a kick out of this one
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    Obedience Studies.

    If you're after that sort of thing, here's one that springs to mind: I'm sure there's far worse than that, too. We're a pretty sick species when we're at our worst.
  13. M

    Hello ......

    you're back? .. where were you be4 ? welcome back anyway..
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    Eubanks for Prime minister

    OK, fine he doesn't like the occupation. Me neither, but I don't trash someone's car to get attention for it. If he was so keen to be arrested, why didn't he just try and drive the truck through Tony Blair's front door. Now THAT would be entertaining.
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    Hope for America

    Plenty of people of all races and creeds have been victemized in the formation of every nation on the planet. It's not about race or religion, its about money. Right now I'm at work with my face swollen from an abcessed tooth that I can't afford to get treated. Why am I at work in this...
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    How much does The sims 2 Holiday edition cost and what things does it...

    ...have? ( read details )? I live in Australia, I want to buy The sims 2 Holiday Edition, but I am wondering how much does it cost? or around how much should it cost? Does it come with any other Sims 2 games? I heard it comes with The Sims 2 Happy Holiday Stuff. WHat seasons are in the game? i...
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    How much does The sims 2 Holiday edition cost and what things does it have? (... details )? I live in Australia, I want to buy The sims 2 Holiday Edition, but I am wondering how much does it cost? or around how much should it cost? Does it come with any other Sims 2 games? I heard it comes with The Sims 2 Happy Holiday Stuff. WHat seasons are in the game? i heard...
  18. M

    What are some good foods Ideas for school (read details)?

    As I am going back to school tomorrow, I want to have some food ideas for: Breakfast, Recess, Lunch, So, I will have enough energy and I won't get any stomachaches during classes because last year I have had lots of stomachaches.. Now, usually this is what I eat: Breakfast: Cheese Toast...
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    What are some good food Ideas for school ( read details )?

    As I am going back to school tomorrow, I want to have some food ideas for: Breakfast, Recess, Lunch, So, I will have enough energy and I won't get any stomachaches during classes because last year I have has lots of stomachaches.. Now, usually I this is what I eat: Breakfast: a croissant...