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    I'm very concerned about my husband's penis?

    I'm not very concerned about your husband's penis. but look at the bright you can have frosted flakes for breakfast.
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    Am I OVERSTEPPING my boundaries?

    This guy is using every girl he comes across. Let him go and stay away from him he is BAD news!! You deserve way more than he can ever give you. It might be hard at first but don't let that stand in your way of finding a real man. Sex is not everything and lots of guys and girls just have sex...
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    Do you think anything can be laughed at? Do you set limits to your sense of humor?

    I think anything can be seen as funny except harm to children or animals
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    If your wife won't have sex is that grounds for divorce?

    Yes it is unless theres a safety or medical concern
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    Out of this list of famous shows which in your opinion was the most overrated?

    1) Seinfeld 2) Sex In The City 3) Friends.
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    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids?

    Where would be the best place for a single black female to find a single black man with no kids? Church.
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    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner?

    If a woman engages in consensual sex, feels remorse for her actions but does not express them to her partner? No. I will never understand women who regret having sex afterwards. Yes, I've had a few less-than-pleasant experiences, haven't we all, but I put it behind me and get on with my life...
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    if a youth tells you she or he is thinking about having sex what do you say to them.?

    This youth is obviously searching for guidance if he or she confided in you! They need to know the best thing to do is to abstain until marriage, or they will be setting themselves up for a lifetime of rash decisions and heartbreak, incapable of patience and committment (to relationships and...
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    My husband said I am like the old tootsie roll commercials regarding sex?

    You make yourself sound a little gross & overly horny, like an animal foaming at the mouth for it. Your husband is probably a little turned off. Men do like to pursue a woman sometimes, ya know?
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    Eternally single? advice would be great..?

    you are worrying way........ to much It's ok maybe your first boyfriend u get wether it be a yr or two down the road could even be the one u marry. Can't rush love hunny :) lol
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    Chelsey Handler Show with Raven Symone?

    Personally, I dont think it IS anybody's business if she did have a b/f... if she wants it to be private, then let her...... She probably doesnt want to be stalked like all the rest of the celebrities these days and she's doing a great job at keeping to herself.
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    Animal crossing????

    i have sum questions about animal crossing. 1. How do u move to a new town? cus i am so bored of the one i'm in rite now... 2. how many times can your house be remodeled. mine has been once i'm working on the second.. 3. how do u work the message in a bottle? 4. what is tag mode? 5. why...