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    Christopher Hitchens gets waterboarded.

    Hitchens has previously said waterboarding was not torture, so Vanity Fair asked him to write an article on it... after he experienced it for himself. Gotta respect him for that big time.
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    any role player out there?

    Hey do you know where these arrow are I heard about? Apparently there's about five of them and they do 1000 pts of damage! I've done the main quest so I was thinking about killing Vivec, and they'd help! lol
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    No, it would simply mean that they live in a culture where it's considered wrong to question your elders. It has nothing to do with their capacity for this kind of thought. I never said you were racist.
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    Give me Five ....

    Hey, we have already had that one haven't we? If so, how about giving me 5 differnt shades of the colour blue?
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    How many girls have you hooked up with?

    you just completely owned yourself with that dumbass quote. :facepalm:
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    Ronda Rousey vs Geek squad

    I like the one below better, even though I wish they had left out the shower scene in the beginning. (I dislike the practice of sexualizing combat sports in any fashion.) I'm only posting the link because the shower scene is marginally NSFW due to the female silhouette. Edit: Nevermind, I...
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    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" Could you please correct your statistics. "Per capita" means per PERSON. (In Latin, it literally means "per head".) I sincerely doubt there are 200 registered firearms per person in the US or 7 million registered motorcycles per person.
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    Seal Culls

    You seem to be a bit too quick to dismiss 5% of an income (numbers which are off anyway), as when you are on the edge of true poverty, 5% can mean the difference between going hungry and eating. You are a bit too quick to toe the party line and a lot of what is published about seal culls is...
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    Jacko is a Fako?

    People die. Get over it.
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    Microchipping to Replace Cash. Will you take one? - POLL

    No such thing as an irrefutable source, so you're wrong again. For every remotely credible source you provide you provide 9 utterly ridiculous ones. Not many people have the time or the energy to trowl through evidence that is 90% tripe.
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    Hopping mad

    he jumped in through a window
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    Travelling - where to go, what to do

    The King's Arms in York serves amazingly reasonably-priced pints of nice beer. You need to catch it when it's not flooded though.
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    Is it safer to download music from..Limewire...Kazaa..Bear

    All of these networks are susceptible to viruses. Download at your own risk. None of them is safer than the other since they all use the same network (Gnutella
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    How Closely MONITORED Is The INTERNET?

    The issue is that there are countries who allow such things (like ThePirateBay), it's difficult to block such things. Comcast decides to block thepiratebay, Comcast has a peering agreement with another Tier 1 who may allow access to it. That means it'll take a few seconds longer, but you can...
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    How does my 9600gt work?

    The 400W is a suggestion. The graphics card will at most draw 150W (75w from the PCIe slot, and 75W from the 6 pin power). Combine that with the rest of your system and you could be under 280W, especially if you don't load the card a lot.
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    How can I set up an easy/cheap website to collect CC donations for my

    I'd suggest a wordpress or blogger system. There a ton of free templates for those. As far as donations go, I'd say Paypal or Chip-In. Chip-In has a nice little widget to put on the site to show how much you've made and what your goal is, etc etc. You can pay with Paypal through Chip-in.
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    Home Theater PC Help?

    Yes, you simply connect the HDMI port to your monitor or television. If you want to hook up an antenna (for free OTA television), you can buy a TV tuner. Most of these also accept a cable input besides antenna. If you install an operating system like Mythbuntu (it's Ubuntu combined with the...
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    Blu Ray Disc burning space needed?

    A Blu-Ray disc is 25GB per layer. Dual Layer discs are thus 50GB. Upgrading from 32bit to 64bit will allow some tasks to run faster, but it won't improve the image quality. It will allow you to use more than 4GB of RAM though. You'll need to reinstall from scratch to go from 32bit to 64bit.
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    Blu Ray Disc burning space needed?

    A Blu-Ray disc is 25GB per layer. Dual Layer discs are thus 50GB. Upgrading from 32bit to 64bit will allow some tasks to run faster, but it won't improve the image quality. It will allow you to use more than 4GB of RAM though. You'll need to reinstall from scratch to go from 32bit to 64bit.
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    Can I play HD DVD Movies on HDMI/VGA Video Supported Monitor?

    HD DVD is a disc format. Your setup can support the audio codecs and everything that HD DVD uses, but you need a HD DVD drive to play HD DVDs. A normal DVD drive won't work because it uses a different type of laser. The same thing applies to Blurays. You do not have a Bluray drive, and...