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  1. M


    Congratulations GG!
  2. M

    Man out of his element - Sharks

    Because plate armor doesn't float?
  3. M

    Aaah those were the days...

    Ah the spider webs Adventure playgrounds will never cease to be inviting! Those and ball pits/bouncy castles
  4. M

    Why is Democracy better than everything?

    While we're on the subject, here's another interesting fact: the government of the Republic of Texas used to offer a bounty for the scalps of Apaches, with different rates for men, women and children. But as often as not the scalps they paid out on were those of Mexicans, taken by unscrupulous...
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    Looks tasty.
  6. M

    The Rise of UKIP

    So far, would I be correct in saying, that the general consensus on UKIP from MAP is a negative one? I wonder if (I'm sure there probably are) there are any UKIP supporters on MAP? I'm curious to know what the appeal is, whether it is just EU/Immigration, or whether there is something else to it.
  7. M

    Oh Damn! Supersize that ass whoopin!!!

    hmmm well after those comments here are my reaction 1) i didnt know that they were going after him because of the money being checked, i thought it was because he took th emoney but wasnt giving them the food, so basically i thougth he was being an eejit to them... That was my mistake 2) After...
  8. M

    U.S. Drones Killing Citizens Without Due Process

    That’s BS if you hang out with a member of say a patched member of a MC 1%er club and you get caught in the cross fire from a rival club you are not an incent victim. You knew hanging out and being an associate put you at risk. A child or someone just walking down the street caught in the...
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    your first cigar

    Trying new things and finding out what your likes and dislikes is, in my opinion one of the most enjoyable parts of cigar smoking. If you are truly seeking a good smoking experience, I would suggest going to a good tobacconist (one that deals in premium, hand-rolled cigars--not a gas station)...
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    Who else thinks that Bart Starr should have been the one to hand the Vince

    Lombardi to Arron Rogers? Think about Bart was the only one in that stadium who knew Vince personally. Who is Brett Farve?
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    File Swap

    you see, i know that's what you say to sound cool on an internet site. But deep down you are glad there's another thread because you're bored with the other ones... otherwise you wouldn't have even opened this thread
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    Pandemic 3

  13. M

    Patriots 18-0 going to the super bowl again

    I'm glad I was able to stay up for this, because it was easily the best Superbowl I've seen. Shame the Pats didn't finish 19-0, but you've got to hand it to the Giants - especially their defence.
  14. M

    Do you believe this?

    ....and they are lizard people. One of the five is also Hannibal. I think I may be getting this thread confused with the wild accusation one. paul - or is it?
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    "Recession Officially Ended June 2009" so what will rightwingers whine about now?

    And combat operations are over in Iraq too. Try telling that to the troops in Iraq now.
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    The Queen of England

    You make alot of sense, but then we must all make a point of making these idiots feel worthless
  17. M

    Where are 0bama's "New Politics" that he promised to bring to DC?

    One thing Obama has done great at is breaking promises.
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    Calling people "retards" or "retarded"

    Calling people "retards" or "retarded" If you gave it the amount of tender loving care over those thirty years that it takes to make a 1972 Triumph run in 2010, I'm sure it would be. Or if you're an old-bike junkie but don't want all the old-bike hassles, you could ride what my dad rides, a...
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    Best fight scene ever
  20. M

    Are you Secret Agent material?

    I'm a ninja and i failed miserably at it o_0