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  1. N

    picture with potential?

    to late you spamming fuck
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    The Confession Thread

  3. N

    why put the toilet seat down?

    Euuugh you boys are proper horrid!!! I think the boys should be made to have their own nasty horrible forum and us girls can get on with the important business of discussing nice things!!!
  4. N

    Would now be a bad time to try and find a job?

    You better jump on shit quick. Everyone is getting out of school and needs summer jobs. If you wait, you'll get left in the dust. I've filled out like 4 applications in the past couple days, trying to get a job quickly.
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    racial comments?

    Never heard of him but his attitude was pretty crappy all round - he's talking about a sports match but going on about how one team are "rough, hardcore 'ho's" and the others are "cute"!?!
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    What are Some Good Rant Topics?

    I have to write a two page rant for my creative writing project. Now, I can think of plenty of topics that would set other people off on a rant, but I'm not that type of a person. I've been trying to stop myself from going off and complaining or ranting. As a result, not much sets me off. What...
  7. N

    A whole new low...

    thats the least idiotic thing he posted. survival of the best? is that anything like survival of the fittest? beyond that, darwin's theory has nothing to do with stupid people do stupid things and dying- aka this dude getting hit by a train. take some biology?
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    Palestenian-Israeli Conflict

    I would hope so. I'd like to think he has an opinion based on more than just 'well, duh,...I think this', and I was getting tired of asking something beyond that.
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    I need help iam doing a informative speech on how to take a memorable vacation?

    My main points are 1. I will discuss when you should go 2. I will discuss who you should bring 3. I will discuss why you should go. I need help with a lil something for each point, it's sounding persuasive right now, please help
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    Thought of the Day

    If this guy put all his mobility knowledge into a book I for one would buy it. Tried the RKC Armbar in my warmup today. Overhead press day 6 reps @ 38kg Episode 80/365: Best Shoulder Mob Ever - YouTube
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    the ruin-a-wish game!

    turns out spain's women have a 1 to 3 std ratio i wish i had my 2k6 account unbanned
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    Who Created God?

    If you want to play fantasy games like that, you can prove just about anything you want. However, physicists have an idea of what other universes should look like, from the perspective of inflationary theories, quantum mechanics, and string theory, assuming the theories that predict them are...
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    The US Constitution

    Fascinating observation. For the British, hmmm, thinking about it now -- I would have said "proper," as in good manners and good form. Captain Hook talks about that all the time in the Peter Pan book. Alice is ever polite despite the absurdity of everyone and everything in Wonderland. It's all...
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    my bluetooth wont work on my phone. how do i make it work?

    it wont light up blue to turn on. no matter how long i hold down the botton.
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    DIY for complete and utter n00bs

    You mean the balsa-wood and cardboard type? Oh that's council house cheap! I have those!
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    "WTF" License Plates Recalled in NC...

    "WTF" License Plates Recalled in NC... My dads is: YUSONOZ (Why you so nozy) And Ive seen one the said: Iam1337
  17. N

    Hey ST!!!

    i got that new verizon tv shit and i get like 7 different channels of nickelodian
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    What is the general plot of the Most Dangerous Game?

    Is it how General Zaroff wants to kill Rainsford?
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    i Need a new anime to watch?

    Dn angel