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  1. L

    10 second rule?

    i don't follow the rule. I examine iit and make my decision if its edible and then eat it. I will go further than most people will though. A hair, awe fuck it. "chomp"
  2. L

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    Well my time of regular riding is about over. It's getting icy on the roads to the house at night so I'm about call the commuting quits for the season. I just bought a '67 VW Bug for the winter. Good little car but needs some TLC.
  3. L

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    bring it on! iofftopic krotty you and post the video on MAP
  4. L

    Need help with friends school work

    wow, NOW THAT IS HORRIBLE, think about asking him, what was he writing?????What was his point, what is he trying to get across????Love, money? tell him to rewrite that completely, its just a bunch of sentences slapped together
  5. L

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Fairly sure I've never seen a bat before. Hope it's not a bad omen, I have a meeting with new boss tomorrow and certain she doesn't like me
  6. L

    What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

    The black one has white stuff all over its nose, lulz.
  7. L

    Canadian Firearms Seizure in High River, AB, Canada?

    You painted yourself into a corner there mate...come on you're smarter than that.
  8. L

    Last days of freedom!!!!

    Yea my first one was wild and my second one was a lot tamer. I went to a bachelor party that was really crazy a couple of years ago. I should have known something was going on when they said no photos. The groom ended up passed out on a bus out of town wearing only a raincoat (mack?) and a...
  9. L

    Are we spoiled?

    Interesting point of view. The problem with that point of view is you live in a society where we know, accept and preach to the rest of the world killing innocent people is wrong. But when a country has resources we need that they aren't sharing or when a country is led by a regime we cannot...
  10. L

    The ultimate medicine

    I suspect most witch doctors' treatments are way more sound than homoeopathy.
  11. L

    Movie Pants!

    Enter the pants The karate pants have to think of more MA theme pantsery.
  12. L

    Armed police at my door.

    Yeah I couldn't recognize the gun either, all I remember is it was very small. Smaller than I expected. I play a lot of CSS, Cod etc so I like my SMG's so I was like a kid at a themepark with SMG's so close to me hence why I asked if I could hold it... They didn't do an intensive check, just...
  13. L

    How does the word "buttsack" make you feel?

    How does the word "buttsack" make you feel? It makes me feel like im unaware of somthing hilariously stupid...
  14. L

    Best youtube ever

    I blame the 80s. Cultural references to the 80s should be considered a class A controlled substance teenagers should be kept away from.
  15. L

    This is what ~$200 million looks like

    If you check out the date of the photo it's even more special. It was taken when $200 million dollars was a lot of money.
  16. L

    Anyone go to a tanning salon?

    Why get a fake tan? Tans are from the outdoors. Its like having a tattoo of a swastika on your face, but not being a nazi. Tanning salons are for posers.
  17. L

    Whats your GPA?

    if this tread is around in 18 more weeks ill tell you last year 3.8
  18. L

    Survey: How many watermelons do you have in your garden?

    I used to have one!then it multiplied......then they all changed into other stuff.........then they morphed into stuff that I have no idea about.Now? Erm.........4? And I love them all. ;o)
  19. L

    ~SURVEY~ There are worse things in life than 3?

    1) suffering2) heartbreak3) feeling depressed