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  1. M

    What can I do bout this mate ?

    Have you discussed this with your friend? Maybe an honest conversation would explain his odd behaviour.. and seriously dude.. Backpacking through france??
  2. M

    The Confession Thread

    No, what?
  3. M

    9mm or 45

    i have shot both, i liked the .45 better
  4. M

    Fox Hunting

    Or those who have an 8 foot fence round their free range hens, caoncrete foundations for the fence, and who saw the fox jump/claw its way over the fence and start killing his stock??
  5. M

    London in 1927- colour film footage

    A friend posted this on FB. I enjoyed watching it and found his descriptions interesting as well. Thought some of you might enjoy it as well. One question I do have, who is the "hero of the past" whose monument is seen at 2.37?
  6. M

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    lol I love it. Last summer when I was in Jersey on business, my boss got into a fight with one of you...things, in a club. He put a highball glass across one of your buddies faces. Fucked up his face pretty good but didn't even phase is hair. And no, you don't get more women than me... but...
  7. M

    Latest Bigfoot Footage...

    The only Big Foot here belongs to Big Mikey. And we all spotted him
  8. M

    Who do you avoid?

    Agreed! Avoid the smelly bastar ds
  9. M

    Go on my son

    That's Moi, that is. Mitch
  10. M

    Best Statue Evar!

    As a native son of the great city of Detroit, I'm going to have to say no. But it isn't as though the city I live in now doesn't have its crazy statues. Cheesy, random, giant bust: In the theater district...
  11. M

    A New LOW!!!!

    Same deal with movies being shown on TV -- two and a half hours to show a 90-minute movie. Two-hour movies have to be shown on two consecutive days.
  12. M


    Best of luck!
  13. M

    Too many stupid people

    I hate stupid people like everyone who believes in santa. Dont they know any better? Being 5 is not an excuse.
  14. M

    Vicious and heartless. The truth behind penguins.

    They're not penguins- they're ninjas in disguise trying to give the penguins a bad name.
  15. M

    Neo Nazis on the US border..... WITH GUNS :)

    How anyone (except the actual Native Americans that had their whole land taken from them) can be racist in an almost entirely immigrant populated country like America is UTTERLY beyond me. Madness.
  16. M

    Do Handheld Vacuums Suck?

    Eureka makes a stick vac that you can get at Sears for about $40...I worked there for 15 years and regularly used one around the store...Great suction and not too expensive....Good luck.. :-)
  17. M

    Which Ninja Turtle Would You Be?

    I always thought the Raphael line went, Raphael is cool but crude (Gimme a break!) No? Anyway Raph is the best, followed by Don/Mike and Leo last cause he was a total teachers pet (heh, get it? ). Col
  18. M

    My dog is extremely hyperactive and a bit out of control!?

    First things first.. I asked this question on here about a year ago and a very nice lady gave me her email...She's a dog behavior specialist in Canada..I've lost her now because my puter got fried... Here's what she had me do...ONE person needs to be in control of EVERYTHING that centers doggers...
  19. M

    How to clean a copper ashtray ?

    I found this old, heavy, solid copper ashtray...I have some copper polish but the problem is that I don't think the previous owner EVER cleaned It has this thick crust of burnt on ash that's hard as a rock ! I scrubbed it with a toothbrush and it didn't put a dent...Is there a chemical...
  20. M

    Do you think i have a marketable image for TV & Films?

    I'd loose the earring when you first start out but yeah, you've definitely got a look about you.. :-)