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  1. D

    Google Chrome

    IE7 is the worst browser out of that, Firefox, Opera and now, probably, Chrome. It's a mess, it's clunky, I always have to load it up twice because the first time always crashes, it takes far too long just to open a new blank tab, it displays irritating "help" messages too often, it loads pages...
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    do you/have you ever taken narcotic drugs?

    ye i have but i don' t think i have
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    : ( Edit: you try.
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    What happened to Knight_Commander?

    Why we've been practicing casting doubt on the masculinity of our friends since we learned how to talk. This is a skill honed to an art form amoung hetrosexual males. It's as genetic as our lack of fashion sense and inability to accessorize. ROFL! Yeah, what he said.
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    The Bible

    So you read the Bible and found it absurd? A yet unrecorded phenomenon.
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    Aliens exist !

    Why go that far when you already have many of them here on Earth. There are so many odd people around that sometimes I think they are aliens.
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    Animal KO

    animal KO's?,unarmed we are the weakest of any creature over 3ft id imadgine, we can even get our asses kicked by wild boar that are only 2 ft high!we can be charged by rams, goured by bulls/oxen and so on.trampled,kicked by giraffe,horses,mules and savaged by dogs,wolves,big cats, i bet most...
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    yeah i saw the MS-13 one, haha. I looked them up on youtube later and in one of the videos the reported was saying, "We can't go inside because earlier we were informed there was a murder request on one of our crew members." or something of that sort. I laughed.
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    But the positive results are also worth to take a look at. -It's more open to debate. It's not a taboo in Holland, and that's a good thing i guess.. It helps people develop responsiblity about drug use etc etc. -Basically you're forced to smoke pot inside a coffeeshop, which has very strict...
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    Cheesey Double Beef Burritto

    Chalupa's FTW.
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    Girl bags first deer

    Fishing yes, but the catch is almost always put back. I don't get it either to be honest. I often see blokes with multiple rods on holders with alarms on them whilst they doze in a tent. There is no skill, sport, pursuit or any other quality I can see to that. I suspect it's more about quiet...
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    I have a question..

    I feel sad that your basis of respect (at least partially) lies in someone's capacity to do violence to you. Some of the people I respect most are older folks who have trouble getting up stairs. Oh c'mon. You're going to call the other side naive in a thread about a man who, at the very...
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    Fox Gore!!!

    I haven't had milk in a while :(
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    new gang initiation - car bumping

    gangland is hella gnar.
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    Teen Bash Time

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    ST photobucket

    Send me info and I will contribute
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    The flash game made for ST.

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    For the love of God...

    who's there?
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    Tornado by my house **pics**

    Did you die?