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  1. M

    Chaos and Disruption set to hit UK

    Well, i'd be there with you guys but i'm living in Canada for a year and its an unusually warm end of the year. I suppose i must have taken the good weather with me.
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    your fucking cool huh?
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    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    i like getting caught masterbating, having sex, by my mom.
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    Relativity drive: The end of wings and wheels?

    More uber-boffinry;jsessionid=NMGHKBGMCGMM The trip from London to Havant on the south coast of England is like travelling through time. I sit in an air-conditioned train, on tracks first laid 150 years ago, passing roads that were...
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    Who would win, a Gorilla or a Polar Bear?
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    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    This is Kashi, my bike, She is a girl because she is RELIABLE!!!!
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    What have you learned on ST that contributes to your life?

    that grass is always greener on the other side..
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    Whats your FAVE dinner?

    I love food from pretty much all parts of the world. Mexican, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Filipino, etc... However, I grew up in the Midwestern U.S. so I partial toward american, artery clogging country cooking. This means my mom's country fried steak, slow boiled green beans...
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    Who has played dungeons and dragons?

    D&D sucks dick.
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    Just when you thought all Tuba players were losers

    I meant the tuba player...they're just asking for it
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    Sport Relief 2014

    Sport Relief themed MAP meet?
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    Erection help needed!

    They let you breed ;' ) This must all have happened BEFORE the grappling classes started!! Great idea with the frame for a bag/chin station BTW!! powchoy It's a miracle what alcohol and pity can achieve.
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    Dealing with late teen girl, life advice

    So how come her dad was so useful in helping you sort out what you should do in life but is failing to do that same thing for his own daughter? I never really got along with my stepfather when he was around and my dad was a complete loser so yes I looked outside my family for help in that area...
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    The Amazing Transformation of a Guy Who Didn

    You know I really admire people who are able to pull this off. Heck one of the reasons I got into physio was that my uncle had his neck broken and wasn't supposed to live let alone walk again. The physio's started with a cotton ball on his finger and against all the odds was able to eventually...
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    penguin role call!

    I think I'm gonna call him Reginald...
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    What are you doing right now?

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    Cybernation V5.0

    I would pay someone to attack him. Nation Rank: Ranked #1,284 of 33,455 Nations (3.8%) Nation Strength: 32,035.837 I need to stop giving out so much aid, I used to be in the top 0.7%. $75 mil given and counting. Those two nukes I just got didn't help anything either.