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  1. P

    Ultimate best state V.2, CA vs TX vs NY vs FL

    Several things can beat those high school football games.
  2. P

    I am a sad bird

    Tansy I hope you start to feel better realy soon, I know how that feels. She doesn't want to date a fish though - I really hate that saying.
  3. P

    Aliens exist !

    I do
  4. P

    Cruise Missile

    Where's U taaah
  5. P

    Weird Things People Dont Know About You Untill NowV_3

    Bringing back an old thread that had some success in ST 1. I'm self conscience 2. I have OCD 3. I don't masturbate (I'm a disgrace i know) 4. I listen to Rick Astley now.
  6. P

    Yahoo Vs. Google

    Google here
  7. P


    sorry guys, but im a little bored and buzzzed, and was wondering about something. I have always loved zombie movies, and revently, i thought Dawn of the Dead and 28 days later were great movies. But they got me thinking, i know a true "zombie" could never exist (come back from the dead), but...
  8. P

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    How can it still be raining? It's been raining on and off for days now and it looks like it's going to do so for the rest of the week!
  9. P

    Pro bodybuilders!!!

    you will be surprised at how much cardio bodybuilders do, in fact most of them do cardio first thing in the morning when they get up, and many of them do 3-4 hours of cardio everyday, more cardio when cutting down just before the contest. so in fact, they do MUCH more cardio than a normal...
  10. P

    Some Judges Live On Another Planet

    When you say things like "The problem with rape in Sharia law is that the woman would have to produce four witnesses to testify that she had not sinned." You are assigning that belief to the entire religion and by proxy, those people who are part of that religion. It is a lie, just as it would...
  11. P

    Mountain Dew FTW?

    You must out of your mind. Baja Blast is the best. Code Red is just Cherry Seven Up.
  12. P

    Birthday Wishes for The Ninja Mod

    I believe KickChick owes someone a birthday spanking!
  13. P

    Good Samaritan left bleeding to death in plain sight

    That's a good question....
  14. P

    Whoever invented 9-5 working!

    I tend to start work with my morning cup of tea at about 0730, break for a wash and breakfast followed by another stint, then dog walk. If it is a day when I'm working for someone else and meeting people I'll leave the house about 11. But I'll break when I want in the afternoon, then work 'til...
  15. P

    Power to go back in time......

    I would go back to 480 BC, become a bamf spartan and kill some dirty persians.
  16. P

    How did you choose your username?

    I was basically looking for an original name that sounded Japanese. As it turns out, it was an actual name I use this name on all forums everywhere. Woot, and woot again.
  17. P

    Girls, which celebrity do you think is the hottest (i'm talking about the guy

    hehe wat about lelans chapman from dog the bounty hunter? ya know his son? damn that boi is fine! :) and okay.... daddy yankee
  18. P

    Are fertility drugs the cause of so many recent celebrity twins?

    Jlo was reportedly on fertility drugs, so i guess... its more common... if its da water gimme some! hehe