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  1. J

    3 boobs

    Haha... it'd be like an udder.
  2. J

    ST I bring you all a plate of well cooked goodness! (breakfast you idiots!)

    Looks yummy. and the food doesnt look that bad either.
  3. J

    Motorcycle Enthusiasts

    A mate of mine has an electric vest and handle bars he thinks they are great. I don’t need them where I live, as it doesn’t get cold enough. When I used to live further south and the temperature got down to around –5 c I would have liked some heated gloves though.
  4. J

    uncle found my porn and stole it

    anyone could imagine. The fact that i am a part in another persons life makes me even more thankful. I guess you could say that i am not the most religious person in the world. But tonight while i was spending time with friends i had the greatest epiphany of my life. That i have to care. That i...
  5. J

    6 Nations

    wales with a lovely try.
  6. J

    Most money you have made with one sale on ebay?

    $30 for some random PS2 shit.
  7. J

    Delete all your porn and stop fappin, Ban the Hand!

    I'll give it a shot. Starting.... Now.
  8. J

    I have a son!

    I don't think people that have no children are incapable of understanding what it's like to be a parent. They are just VERY likely to be wrong about it. One or two might get it. But I think we can safely say that someone like you Blade, someone that wears their disgust and, dare I say it, hatred...
  9. J

    Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch DORITOS

    Fuck you and your poll. Sweet Chili Heat.
  10. J

    what happened

    I know wurr he is.
  11. J

    thugs in car run down dog trainer, and run over her three pups...

    Woah thats very sad.. Effin Punks but not a very good subject to bring up around V with the arrival with her new pups
  12. J


    I'm hardly the rosy and cheerful type myself; if anything, it seems to me that people willing to acknowledge just how crappy life can sometimes be cope much better overall. A form of vaccination, if you will. But seriously, it got on my nerves - without going into too many personal details...
  13. J

    Posters of the year

    why was this reopened...this thread is, indeed, a zombie
  14. J

    What is this from?

    im going to say, wallace and grommet
  15. J

    ST photobucket

    now it wont let me log in...
  16. J

    Happy Birthday Aussie Mod 1!!!!

    Happy Birthday, Jim Man, with all these Wonderful Birthday wishes, we should really consider creating a "Happy Birthday" forum
  17. J

    Wikileaks - your opinion?

    No that makes it sound like there is a conscious effort on the part of the media to further the governments agenda. Which just isn't the case. For the most par the media serve their own interests first. Which of course doesn't mean the media can't be manipulated. Everything. Almost every...
  18. J

    Wikileaks - your opinion?

    Ah must of been the news of the size I saw then
  19. J

    Trial by combat and the DVLA

    Businesses must provide rails for tying up horses. It is illegal to set fire to the wooden leg of a wooden legged man Calgary - If you are released from prison, it is required that you are given a handgun with bullets and a horse, so you can ride out of town. It is illegal to kill a...
  20. J

    A refreshing drink?

    These facts are all taken out of context and used more than likly to push diet drinks if it came from a weight loss club. The Main point that was made was that the drink contains acid, so what so does diet coke. and phosphoric acid can have a PH of 2.8 but i doubt if it does it coke, because if...