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  1. M it normal to be sweating...alot????? HELP

    No Air Conditioning In The Dojo Sucks!!!
  2. M

    Miley Cyrus hot or not?

    not hot
  3. M

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Can I answer for Holy? That would be a very, very big NO!
  4. M

    Funny Knockoffs and Counterfeits (pics)

    i lol'd when i seen the pop station thing my friend showed me it awhile ago but yeah i think im going to be rocking some new Neki shoes or maybe abibos
  5. M

    Thought of the Day

    Are you doing that for grip strength?
  6. M

    Tomorrow Never Knows

    Good luck Belltoller. I hope your surgery goes well.
  7. M

    Question for married people.

    Congrats. All the best with that. My wife's dropping hints about going for number 2. She'll have to catch me first.
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    Seal Culls

    your son makes a damn good point.. I love how these bleeding hearts get uppity over a warm blooded creature because its sooooooooooo cute! But you've got fisherman in Japan that will catch sharks, cut the fins off of them, then toss them back into the ocean where they'll drown to death.. for...
  9. M

    What Languages Do You Speak?

    My first language is English. I can get by in French, although my graofftopicr is lousy. I can speak a teeny bit of Spanish, and I have an assortment of odd words and phrases in Italian, German, Punjabi, Mandarin and Cantonese.
  10. M

    Ok so who wants to marry me then?

    Wikipedia linked me to a site that said it's a scottish tradition with a £100 fine for the man if he says no! £100 fine! Not sure of the legitamacy, i should be in a health and safety seminar but those things are boring.
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    Biggest pool ever made

    no clam chowder
  12. M

    What gives you the creeps?

    Starburst I would think. No idea about temperament or anything. Never worked with one. There again I think its for more experienced keepers and that's why the reptile shelter I volunteer for hasn't seen any whilst I've been there. Also meet Squirm. Squirm is 2 year old male corn snake...
  13. M

    I just...

    hey jason!
  14. M

    This cant be right.

    That same argument has been used to condemn everything from homosexuality to interracial marriage. The argument's greatest weakness is that it lacks any sort of logic whatsoever. It's just a statement of a conclusion without any rational process leading to that conclusion.
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    True competency of the British Police Force

    'His Dedication Cost Him His Life' Updated: 21:03, Monday June 11, 2007 Colleagues have paid tribute to the police officer who was stabbed to death just minutes after arriving at work. Pc John Henry was called to Luton town centre after reports that a window cleaner had been stabbed. Killed...
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    Im in engineering theres a lockdown at my school...

    The killer must have been nice enough to log him off.
  17. M

    Make a wish, .. and have it corrupted!

    wish granted, but then he goes on to make movies I wish the cubs would win a game (boo white socks!)
  18. M

    Does anyone know where I can get the Supreme Rat Diet (Reggie Rat) food?

    I have checked two different Petsmarts and a few other pet stores in my area, and none of them seem to have it. At first there were still spaces where it should be (labels with prices) but no food, but now it is gone completely. And all of the other Supreme diets are there (gerbil, hamster...