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  1. C

    Do you follow a clothing trend?

    What the crap Soulja Boy?
  2. C

    Wow it is real....

    Making fun of grammar on an interent forum isn't old either. Good one
  3. C

    Android apps are Java based now are also able to run on blackberry, is that

    roughly speaking you have Hardware Operating system Applications The operating system enables the software to run on the hardware. If the operating system supports java and the operating system runs of the hardware then everything works fine despite the badge on the front of the phone. It...
  4. C

    1,300 Best Public High Schools in America

    57 =/ our school was 28 last year and 17 two years.....
  5. C


    Sweet fucking candy apples it matters.
  6. C

    How do I burn tv shows off of my computer so that i may watch them on a dvd player

    there is not a quick answer to this but you need to find what video formats your dvd player plays and make the cd's to that format. The most common video format on CD is VCD or Video CD you need to search for software that can create these, there is free stuff around don't spend money. You...
  7. C


    Ok, so here's a riddle in the same vein that actually DOES have a souloution and IS NOT part of a chain letter (so far as I'm aware anyhow). There are only three words in the English language that begin with the letters "Dw". You know all three of these words, but very few people can think of...
  8. C

    Viewer Disrection! Animal Cruelty From Farm To Fridge

    I've been lucky to be able to travel to several foreign countries where protein is protein regardless of its origins. Pretty much any animal is fare for the table depending on where you live I suppose. I still can't eat bugs like they do in asia though...
  9. C

    I reformatted my acer aspire 3690 to win7 and now my dvd won't read, and I can't...

    1. connect to the internet and then find the dvd in device manager and select update driver. 2. find out what dvd drive it is and search for drivers for it rather than rely on ms ones. 3. delete it from device manager, that should force it to find new drivers. How did you install win 7...
  10. C

    my gas station "fight"

    my gas station "fight" Cool, the justice system keeps a lifetime sentence in their pockets.
  11. C

    ITT: Waffles

    I had waffles for breakfast on Sunday and it was amazing, just like waffles should be. This got me thinking. What kind of waffle does Small Talk prefer? Poll soon. Hang on to your butts.
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    Australia and New Zealand

    I forgot to mention the Jenolon Caves which aren't far from the three sisters. They are pretty spectacular.
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    Beer Olympics

    team two guys one keg
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    What Dreams May Come...

    so useful.hehe.thanks for your share.
  15. C

    How does a gentleman ask out a lady these days?

    I didnt read all the responses but the ones I read seemed like you had some good advice in there. Now let me crush you 1) If she's even REMOTELY cute she's got guys sweatin her A LOT. From working in the bars and the gyms I can tell you fairly confidently she's not going to respond well unless...
  16. C

    CD vs Vinyl.

    hmmm music, 1 of my loves iv got to say that vinyl is best for geting the fealing of the music, i have many old lps including most of the Beatles first pressings! I spent about 3k on my hifi, so maybe i can hear a small diffrence (not a lot i have to say)
  17. C

    Is this how men should act?

    A good number of the feminists I've known have had very healthy sex drives. I used to stereotype them in the same I suspect you might doing now. Just for the record, very very few of them are strident man-haters. For the most part they're just women who feel that men and women are equals and...