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  1. R

    How do you create a Microsoft Newsgroup?

    How do you create a Microsoft Newsgroup?
  2. R

    How would you describe the diverse membership of the Metis Scripts and Scribes - Canada, yahoo newsgroup?

    How would you describe the diverse membership of the Metis Scripts and Scribes - Canada, yahoo newsgroup? Thanks for your input! Please help us improve our relations with all by sharing your answers on how to best describe our group members here: <> ...
  3. R

    what is a newsgroup? and what does it have to do with email?

    what is a newsgroup? and what does it have to do with email?
  4. R

    Do transformers use electricity when the appliances aren't turned on?

    I use a 1000 watt transformer for my tv, dvd player, cd player, game cube and nintendo (only 2 can be plugged in at a time or it is a fire hazard). The transformer is very strong and flips the circuit breaker if anything else in the house is plugged in and I try to plug that in. I'd rather not...
  5. R

    Do you listen more to celebrities or to our local heroes?

    Do what celebrities say make a bigger impact on you? Or do our local heroes like police and firemen, teachers and principals, average everyday normal men and women? Why do you feel that way? I personally listen to our local heroes. I read about them and get more emotional if something...