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  1. M

    UK Speed Limit.

    OK, Motorways in the UK have a maximum speed limit of 70 MPH. I'm interested to know if anyone thinks it should be higher or lower? (Bear in mind that this limit was set nearly 40 years ago, and roads are better (if busier) and cars are better, with ABS brakes, crumple zones, driver cages etc etc)
  2. M

    Is Hamas trying to do the work of the Zionists seizing aid convoys? come on amber how do you mistakenly seize trucks loaded with aid, dont defend the indefensible of either side, it is the people of Gaza that need relief, not bloody minded militarists of either side
  3. M

    Why would a being of infinate intelligence, and knowledge past and future...

    ...associate himself with gibberish ? Like the bible, why would this super intelligent being you christians speak of not be LUCID in his litreture?