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  1. S

    If we don't have freedom from religion...?

    does that mean we can ignore the rest of the Constitution too? The claim that the Constitution only protects "freedom of religion" and not "freedom from religion" is missing an important point. Religious liberty, if it is to mean anything, cannot...
  2. S

    Judaism: What is the Jewish view toward atheists?

    One of the concepts that perturb me about Christianity and Islam (there are many things, but this is just one), is how atheists are viewed, and by extension, treated. The Bible even resorts to name calling by labeling them as fools. In my opinion, an omnibenevolent G-d would not call his...
  3. S

    What???s the cause of evil according to Judaism?

    I am not Jewish, or even looking to be one, but I am very interested in learning about Judaism. From what I understand (and please correct me if I’m wrong), there is only one G-d, and his angels have no free will, so there’s no such thing as a “fallen angel” like there is in Christianity since...