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  1. P

    what VEGAN dish can I cook with beans?

    it's this milky green roundish bean. taste like all other beans, maybe a little like green peas(though not sweet). I have NO onion, but have lots of spices, herbs.
  2. P

    why are there credulous people that actually believe in the quran/bible?

  3. P

    who else think that Judaism and Islam are very similar?

    they have to slaughter animals in a more painful and brutal way(proven by science) to be kosher or halal. utterly gross. I'm an atheist if it matters
  4. P

    Do you drink water from an old-fashioned glass?

    are you, like me, fond of all sorts of glasses? try it it feels good:) Mad Men influenced me
  5. P

    Christians: Consider the work of God: who can make straight what he has made crooked?

    what does it mean? Ecclesiastes 7:13
  6. P

    so when will the muslims and christians finish each other off?

    I personally can't wait for creationists to be history.