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  1. E

    Quiz: The Diagonal Test? Your sun, moon, and mercury? I was torn between two of them so I'm just gonna post both... You are Unique You are open minded and a visionary. You understand the world and just may change it. You are knowledgeable and well-read. If no one can teach you, you'll teach yourself. You...
  2. E

    Quiz: Are you rock, paper, or scissors? Your sun, rising, mercury, mars? I got: You are Paper Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation. People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of. Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans...
  3. E

    Quiz: Are you rock, paper, or scissors? Your sun, rising, mercury, mars? I got: You are Paper Crafty and creative, you are able to adapt freely to almost any situation. People tend to underestimate you, unless they've truly seen what you are capable of. Deep down, you're always scheming and thinking up new plans...
  4. E

    Quiz: What is your life rated? Your sign?

    Lol it's reaally dead on here... I got: Your Life is Rated PG-13 Your life isn't totally scandalous, but you definitely don't shy away from adult themes! Lol ok. BQ: If there was a movie made about your life, what actor/actress would you want...
  5. E

    What's your sign and what's your opinion on PDA?

    Lol I asked this before but it got deleted... State your moon, venus, and mars too. **Clarification: I am NOT talking about PDA devices.... Lol to certain people ;P BQ: Who else thinks this section has been really dead lately? :/ Kita - Lol yea I did but it got reported -_- Tae - Lol it's ok I...
  6. E

    Quiz: What kind of pet would you be? Your sun and moon?

    Inspired by B's Q :) I got: You would be a pet dog You're friendly, loyal, and an all around good sport. People love to be near you. You are very open with your feelings, and you're quite vocal in expressing them. You are sincere and kind. You...
  7. E

    Quiz: What kind of weather are you? Your sun, moon, rising, mars? I had posted the storm one before but it got deleted -_- I got: Weather one: You are Rain You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming. Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around...
  8. E

    Quiz: At what price would you sell out? Your sun, moon, and mercury? Just for fun :P Mine: You Would Sell Out for $1,123,950 And not a penny less! Ehh I'm not sure about that....I have no idea how they came up with that number :O I answered no to all of the questions....? I wouldn't be able to do...
  9. E

    Quiz: What planet should you rule? Your sign? Mine: You Should Rule Saturn Saturn is a mysterious planet that can rarely be seen with the naked eye. You are perfect to rule Saturn because like its rings, you don't always follow the rules of nature. And like Saturn, to really be able to...
  10. E

    What signs would you give the characters of Gossip Girl?

    Serena: Blair: Nate: Dan: Chuck: Vanessa: Jenny: Eric: Lily: Rufus: Louis: Georgina: You don't have to do them all... and you can add more if you like :P BQ: Who's your fave character? Mine's Chuck!! <3 BQ2: Are you excited for the season premiere tomorrow?! I am!! Vicious - Omg you totally...
  11. E

    Quiz: What planet are you from? Your sign? Mine: You are from the Sun Of all your friends, you're the shining star. You're dramatic. You love attention and the spotlight. You're a total entertainer and the life of the party. Watch out! As a sun, you can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty...
  12. E

    Quiz: What kind of heel are you? Your sign? Mine: You are a Stiletto Heel You have a colorful persona, and you're not about to tone it down for anyone. You don't compromise. You are theatrical. You love drama, but not the destructive kind. You are always looking to spice up your circle of...
  13. E

    Quiz: The Mascot Test! What's your sign? BQ: Would you actually wear the costume of the one you picked? :P Mine: You are Silly You don't take anyone or anything too seriously, yourself included! You like to goof off and have fun. You believe that it's important to live in the now. You have a wide...
  14. E

    Quiz: The Happy Pattern Test!! What's your sign? Mine: Doing Your Own Thing Makes You Happy You can't help but think outside the box. As far as you're concerned, you don't even know where the box is. You have a delightful and colorful inner world. People would be stunned if they could see inside your...
  15. E

    Quiz: What should be on your bucket list? Your sign and any relevant placements? BQ: Is your result something you actually want to do at some point in your life? Mine: You Should Write a Book You may not feel like you could write a book, but you actually have a lot to say. Just let it flow! You already live in your...