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  1. T

    thinking of taking on a martial art, currently looking at Aikido and karate girl... her 30s any thoughts? I don't really want to get into fighting so much just interested in the work out and learning something new. I just have the idea of learning a martial art in my head and fancy giving it a go any thoughts or ideas on either of these what would you recommend
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    how to get the same movements you do on a cross trainer at home without the gym?

    i have a friend whose disability benefits have been cut, she needs to use the gym for exercise but can no longer afford it does anyone know any sites or tips on how she can get the same exercises at home with out the machinery
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    I feel i am doing everything I can and should do but why am I not meeting anyone

    who I like? I go out all the time i try different groups and go to different places all the time but I have been single for so long. Whats going on, what else can I do I am a few years into my 30s. I do get asked out form time to time and I will go on the dates but they just don't seem to be...
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    oh my isn't funny how much new channels dramatise every event that happens even

    if its nothing? just watching this event on the news with some people being taken of a bus because obviously someone was afraid something might be going on. But now it turns out it was nothing. Great the police are on the ball but nothing happened and now the reporters are saying but it could...
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    anyone reading or has read 50 shades of grey?

    what do you think of it
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    worried I will never meet anyone, do I just have to wait and see whats in store...

    ...for me? have been single for over 2 years and I am in my 30s. I go out all the time and meet people and am friendly but never meet anyone who is interested unless they are a complete loser or married or something like that. Do I just have to keep going out and hope that some day I meet teh...
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    when do clothes shops in europe typically start selling their summer clothes?

    Going on holiday in the middle of march and although I have lots I could do with a pair of light weight trousers, the linen style or light cotton ones. Just wondering when do shops usually put their summer clothes out. I know I could ask if they have some in their store rooms but would just like...
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    why am I never interested in anyone?

    I want to meet someone new again. i broke up with a log term boyfriend over 2 years ago and last year dated loads and had some short lived flings but now i would like to meet someone nice and get into something serious again but I just don't seem to meet anyone I like. There has been a few guys...
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    are actors just acting when they advertise their new films on chat shows...

    ...and they act as if they enjoy it? watching tv today I saw an old episode of top gear where tom cruise and cameron diaz were on it and acting like they were really having fun but I bet they find it boring really and the later cameron was on a repeat of graham norton and she seemed to enjoy...
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    was the veronica cloth really painted by Leonardo de vinci?

    I heard once the piece of cloth that veronica placed on Jesus as he walked to his Crucifixion was actually the work of leonardo de vinci. Was it really
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    have always been one to argue my point or say if I disagree should I feel bad

    for this? I try to be nice about this, I don't use bad language or shout if I do say anything wrong I will apologize but if I think the other person is wrong I will tell them that I do not agree. It seems some can take this but I also seem to annoy many friends and some can be silly about it and...
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    a girl I know was complaining about there being too many muslims in the...

    ...west what can I do? she complained about in some countries there are now more kids being call abdul and ahmed as if this was a terrible thing. She said she is not racist but just nationalistic but she was just wrong right. I told her I wasn't cool with how she talked and the day after I left...
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    what can I do about my friends who complain to me but do the same to me?

    I have had a brain injury and due to this repeat myself allot, I've lost most of my friends for various reasons but some complain about this but then do the same to me and constantly talk about the same problems they have with guys etc. They know about my brain injury and blame it all on that...
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    if at a social event I got a bit drunl and talked lots of nnsense, will people

    remember m forever for it? or will they Just fogt it
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    whats the best way to meet the right guy for me?

    just talk to everyone when I am out and hopefully hit it off with someone as my friend wants me to do or just be myself and take it easy and talk to people when I want too or they want too as I feel is the right way. I am right aren't . I'm in my 30's but I don't want to be spending all my...
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    I am going to morocco, something I planned for a long time?

    I have been very sick and feel this is a great opportunity for me. Now my flat mate wants to come with me and is taking control and telling where we should stay etc. she says we should compromise when I complain but I don't want to compromise as I planned this trip first of all. I don't mind her...
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    can anyone tell me what will happen in my future. will i ever marry, ever

    have kids and be happy? my fiance just left me and i am at a loss
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    Are screen protectors bad for the iPhone?

    I recently called Rogers to get my iPhone fixed, they went through a series of troubleshooting steps. One of the first questions he asked was that if i had a screen protector on my iPhone.. I answered no, but i had one right infront of me that i was ready to put on. I asked him why he asks...