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  1. M

    Will using your nails to text damage the screen of an LG Vu?

    It would probably scratch the screen. But make sure you put a protective screen to prevent scratching, and if it does you can always put another one on it!
  2. M

    How much food do you have to eat to gain a pound (healthy food mostly)?

    For an average 5'5 130 lb. female. I am not trying to gain weight, I just want to know.
  3. M

    What healthy thing eat when out at a restaurant besides a boring salad?

    Come on now! there has to be something healthy besides salads! Salads don't fill you up, and it's kinda boring! Any suggestions. Yes salads are healthy. But I am human! I can't just eat salads all the time! they are boring! there has to be more healthier choices!
  4. M

    Help with Voyager Pictures?

    I don't think you can. I have the same phone and I was browsing around through the camera, and I didn't see any options for fun frames. Sorry. You can edit pictures on this phone, Ive done this.
  5. M

    Do you think a 7 mile bike ride and a 3 mile jog/run/walk in that order is too much?

    My bike route is full of uphills and downhills. I go in a big loop, like a big circle. Then I do a 3 mile jogg/run/walk jogg on an 6 incline for mile 1, running on incline 11.5, than walking still on an incline of 11.5 (2 laps than it's back to all the way down) Do you think this is too much? oh...
  6. M

    Why does my period seem to be late every month by 2-3 days?

    Recently it seems like the date for my period to be due has been weird. One month it's on the 5th, the other 9th, and this month the 12th. I am 19 years old, I had my period since 12. Is it normal to be irregular still? I exercise daily, could this affect this? please help! Oh and I am not...
  7. M

    Anyone else on here tired and cranky and just want to be left alone?

    Maybe its because I started my "friend". Ugh who knows! Anyone else?
  8. M

    If the iphone didn't exist, would any other touchscreen phone exist?

    Kind of 2 questions. If they got rid of the iphone (I really hope not! and probably never will but this is a hypothetical question), which touchscreen phone would be the next best thing?
  9. M

    I workout 5 days a week, am I allowed to rest my muscles for 2 of those days?

    I work pretty hard. But I seem to be causing injurys and sore muscles. Is taking a day or 2 off (not together) like Thursday and Sunday ok?
  10. M

    How bad is it to feed a cat tuna fish from the can (Chicken of the sea)?

    The kid who I babysit for gave his cat Chicken of the sea or something like that. And I was wondering if that was bad for cats?
  11. M

    Problem with getting music onto LG Voyager!?

    Ok. So it was working a few months, or shall say weeks ago. What happened in the meantime was that, we had to clean out our entire computer because it had like a major virus on it. Everything was gone except for my pictures, and itunes music. So I re-installed the CD that came with the phone...
  12. M

    When I send a long message on my Verizon LG Voyager, it takes a long time

    to send, why? So I send really long text messages sometimes, and when I send them, they take FOREVER to send! Like it be 5 minutes later and the picture with the little mailbox with the envelope will still be there. Then it would lead to "SEND FAILED. TRY AGAIN?". I click yes, and then it repeat...