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  1. T

    Atheists: Do you cry, laugh, hope, dream... do all this stuff that makes us human?

    Why don't you talk about that right now?
  2. T

    I'm starting to get Scooterpoop's sense of humor. Have I been here too long?

    No really... I thumbed him up twice today. I thought he got some good shots in. Scooterpoop: How! Burn! Scooterpoop: How! Burn!
  3. T

    I don't believe in God but I like Jesus, many Christians don't seem to care...

    ...what Jesus had to say...? that weird? I think Jesus' basic message is an excellent one. I just don't happen to believe in some overseeing authority over the Universe. Many Christians are adamant God exists and judges the world. From their words and actions, I can't help but feel what...
  4. T

    What if we didn't care for shiny stuff at all, or gadgets that go beep?

    And we didn't care to give praise to the people who could bring it to us? Wouldn't we be an entirelly different animal then?
  5. T

    Shouldn't anyone who marvels at ancient prophecies consider the wonders of the

    machine gun? The Bible is 1 600 pages long. The Koran is about 300 pages long. Some of this stuff is true and people are amazed. Consider the machine gun. (Literary style fully intended).
  6. T

    Why do Christian fundamentalists go absolutely ballistic when we discuss the

    history of the Bible? A lot of their myths don't make sense and they're used to seeing those criticized. But the myth of the unbroken tradition? Moses did not write the first five books of the Bible. Fact. There was, in fact, no Bible, until the Catholic Church said there was one. (You had...
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    If God is so great, why can't he take a joke?

    Many people seem bothered people may mock God, or at least their idea of it. But if God is infinitely greater than anything one could ever imagine, don't you think he's big enough to take a joke without getting his feathers all ruffled? For such a powerful being, he sure sounds sensitive to...
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    If the point of having a Messiah was to offer a sacrifice for sin, why isn't this

    concept found in Judaism? Does Christianity, at its very core, posit that the founders of its parent religion simply got it wrong from the very beginning about what it all meant? And isn't it strange that in over 2000 years of scripture, God never once thought to point out to them that they had...
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    Christians: I live in a very non-religious part of the world? Why hasn't our...

    ...society collapsed yet? People in this part of the world don't really give God that much credit. We go to Church for weddings, funerals and baptisms are already old-fashioned. Plus, more and more people choose not to get married, even if they have children, and live as free unions. Marijuana...
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    How would I go about finding a formula to calculate number and amount of payments... a given interest rate? Here's the basic idea: I have x amount at y percent COMPOUND MONTHLY interest. I have z amount of months to pay it. How do I get: 1) The amount of each payment. 2) The number of payments.
  11. T

    How can Bible prophecy readers use the ignorance of the writers when it...

    ...suits them with a straight face? Here's an incomplete list of things that the Bible absolutely does not mention: Islam, Barack Obama, Stanley Cup finals, Chia Pets, Britney Spears, computers, electric toothbrushes, nuclear bombs, the Moon landing, Diet Pepsi and Family Guy. Why? To most...
  12. T

    Anyone else feels the way I do about Michael Phelps? I say: So what?

    So what is really my first and final reaction. I don't get what the big "role model" deal is about. The man is an exceptional swimmer. That's all we ever asked of him before. Why does he also have to be a saint all of a sudden? I react the same way to people who were shocked Bobby Fischer...