Search results

  1. T

    Do you think the Bilderberg Group is a conspiracy theory?

    I do not as there is plenty of evidence online of it's existence. What is your opinion on this secret cabal which controls both of America's major political parties? I prefer the term "Freelance Historian" to conspiracy theorist or nut or tin foil hat wearer or any similar mainstream derogatory...
  2. T

    Do you STILL believe the official story of 9-11?

    Now that "W" and his maniacal globalist buddies are out of the picture, do you still believe the official account and the 9-11 Commission Report? They hope you still believe as does the Obama administration as they have no plans to re-investigate ANYTHING the Bush Administration has done here...
  3. T

    What do you think of Alex Jones' Obama Deception movie?

    I watched it and liked it, but I want YOUR opinion on it. Here's the link just in case you haven't seen it yet~
  4. T

    Are there more conspiracy theorists than ever these days?

    I would say yes as the American government has become more secretive in recent years. As folks lose trust, suspicion rises and that creates a ripe atmosphere for conspiracy theories and wide-ranging speculation regarding the official explanations of major events. What is your opinion on the...
  5. T

    What is your favorite news site?

    Mine is Where do you get your news?
  6. T

    Is the Internet going down?

    I listen to radio and tv host Alex Jones. He says on his show that the internet will soon be replaced by a highly censored Internet 2. Do you believe this or not?
  7. T

    What can you eat to kill an infection?

    A fungal infection, to be more specific. I would prefer not to take prescriptions if at all possible. It's in my fingernails if you need to know specifics.