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    How do you "OPEN THE LIGHTS"?

    ok it really annoys me when im at somebody's house and they say "Close the lights" or "Open the lights". It doesn't make any sense. I mean what ever happened to "Turn the lights on" and "Turn off the lights"?
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    How was friday the 13th? I heard it was crap and ending sucked..?

    comments please
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    has anyone tried for acne...? (+points!)?

    i'm sure most people have seen the commercial where you answer questions and they put you together with most of their products... I want to get some that they recommend me but I want to know if what you all got actually worked out great... any experiences?
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    car question..plzz answerrs?

    which is the better stick shift or automatic..
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    bmw m6 car question.?

    can you tell me some of the info about the bmw m6
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    Pontiac Grand Am GT ...what would you give for it?

    What would you give ($$) for a 2001 Pontiac Grand Am GT Silver 4door sedan 3.4 Liter engine v6 with only 43k miles on it and just fully checked (and fixed in full) by certified GM mechanics and operators? Just wondering :)