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  1. R

    What is your favourite "gag" from "Just For Laughs Gags" ?

    mine is the board meeting in the portable bathrooms. edit: yahoo recommends this question be posted in "Pregnancy & Parenting > Newborn & Baby"??? lolz
  2. R

    {QUIZ} Just some fun questions for all the bored people out there tonight?

    1. If you'd gone to elementary school with hitler, would u have played with him during recess? 2. What is your fav kind of Pop? 3. Do you think LaunchPad (from Darkwing Duck) is taking Roids? 4. What is your fav band? 5. Did u brush your teeth yet tonight? 6. WOULD U EVER WRITE AN ESSAY IN...
  3. R

    Mike Meyers As A Kid + LUV GURU?

    is it just me, or was the part where they put mike's head on a kids body...COMPLETELY AWESOME? yes, definitely watch the movie. :)
  4. R

    How old do you have to be to buy Cigarettes, in Canada?

    i'm guessing it varies by how about for BC, Alberta, and Saskatchewan?
  5. R

    How Internet Friendly Is Beryllium Font?

    i know it's good to stick with the most compativle fonts...but my site reallly needs to be done in Beryllium font and i can recall how user friendly it is? i was afraid you'd say that.
  6. R

    Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 For Dummies?

    Does Anyone Know if this book comes with a Dreamweaver CS3 Trial CD? Sometimes These Dummies Books have them. Exact Product Link...
  7. R

    i knew i'd get a violation of terms email for that...and i did.?

    so someone posted a question looking for a software to moniter their childs activites on their computer (most likely a caring parent) anyways i was the first to answer so i said that no-one else should respond because it would suck for the kid...yes i was a bit of an ass..but i have a valid...