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  1. C

    My photos on my iPhone 3GS?

    So I was going through my photos like deleting unneeded photos. Then I received many photos from email and I wanted to save the images I got from email. So I saved all of them and went on my photos again and deleted photos from the email I received that I didn't want. I got out of my photos and...
  2. C

    Why Are So Many Conservatives Challenged When It Comes To Having A Sense of Humor?

    Has anyone else noticed that republicans just aren't very funny, and, in fact, are so removed from the concept that they do NOT even realize when they are being lampooned? CrazyMittens: Yeah, the GOP is in place to entertain the intellectual libs, sort of like the mouse that gets batted about by...
  3. C

    American Boat Captain Freed ! Will Conservatives Give Obama Credit?

    Ok, here is a chance for you conservative and Obama bashers to show us what you're really made of. Since the lot of you have done nothing but second guess Obama's handling of this affair, now that he has been freed by NAVY Seals, will you people who were blaming Obama give him any credit, or...
  4. C

    Since The Majority Of The 9/11 Terrorists Were Saudis, I Have A ? About Bush?

    Why did Bush gather all the Saudi royals onto a plane and have them escorted back to Arabia before even one of them could be questioned (and there were Bin Laden family members on there)?
  5. C

    Since The Majority Of The 9/11 Terrorists Were Saudis, I Have A ? About Bush?

    Why did Bush gather all the Saudi royals onto a plane and have them escorted back to Arabia before even one of them could be questioned (and there were Bin Laden family members on there)?
  6. C

    Did Bush Let King Abdullah Stay In The Lincoln Bedroom At The White House?

    I'd like to know that if Bush was willing to kiss and hold hands with King Abdullah in public, what else went on? Did Bush let Abdullah stay in the Lincoln Bedroom?
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    Is It True That The GOP Might Face A Cease & Desist Order From A Coffee Company?

    Is is true that the Chock Full O' Nuts coffee company might file a cease and desist order against the GOP, for the obvious reason?
  8. C

    Did Bush Take Too Many Vacations?

    Is that what caused us to be in this mess we're in today?
  9. C

    Is Glenn Beck's Magic Underwear Too Tight?

    I've noticed that he has become as unhinged as a loose screen door in a hurricane--do you think his magi Mormon underwear is too tight and cutting off the blood flow to his er, um, brain?
  10. C

    Vast Right Wing Conspiracy To Torpedo Obama?

    It seems that their is Smoking Gun that proves the Media (CNBC) was a pan in the game to stop Obama in his tracks. Read this and tell me what you think, and what you think should be done to Santelli and CNBC.
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    Why Are The Republicans Complaining About Ed Shultz Being On The Front Row?...

    ...Don't They Remember Jeff Gannon? I was visiting a couple of political boards, and couldn't help but laugh at all of the right wingnuts that were whining like spoiled brats who didn't get their way, all over a liberal radio host sitting on the front row. His name is Ed Shultz, if it makes any...
  12. C

    Is Rupert Murdoch Alienating Half Of His Potential Audience?

    Rupert Murdoch's News Corp just posted a 6.4 Billion Dollar loss for the last quarter. Go ahead, grab a hanky, I'll wait till you get back. Ok, through laughing so hard that you were crying? Believe me, I was right there with ya. Do you think that Rupert Murdoch will eventually have it down...
  13. C

    Is Rupert Murdoch's News Corp Losing Half Of His Potential Audience? Rupert Murdoch's News Corp just posted a 6.4 Billion Dollar loss for the last quarter. Go ahead, grab a hanky, I'll wait till you get back. Ok, through laughing so hard that you were crying? Believe me, I was...
  14. C

    Is This A Soviet Style Purge By The Bush Administration?

    Please read the following link and tell me if you think this ethical, or is it a Soviet style trick to trip up Obama's efforts to get this country back on track? I have to say that anyone who would do such a thing while America is in this...