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  1. G

    Teabaggers laughed when asked to tone down the rhetoric, now they expect others to...

    ...tone it down? And they have the nerve to talk about hypocrisy?
  2. G

    Why do conservatives love to blame Obama but cry and whine when people blame Bush?

    Why do they act like the right has never done anything harmful to this country?
  3. G

    Why don't teabaggers have a sense of humor?

    Also I thought they respected freedom of speech, why do they report questions that mock them?
  4. G

    In 2012, the economy hasn't improved, will cons forget that republicans were...

    ...responsible for the extensions? and just blame Obama?
  5. G

    Will conservatives ever stop whining like a bunch of pathetic children?

    Christ they literally just won a marginal victory last week, and yet they're still complaining. Will they ever get all that sand out of their vaginas?
  6. G

    Why doesn't Rush do any fact checking before he starts to rant like an idiot?
  7. G

    Can we just stop arguing over whose imaginary friend is best already?

    Can we just stop comparing whose magical invisible sky daddy is best and deal with issues that actually matter?
  8. G

    Religion is a state of mind?

    Do you agree or disagree? and why? Since everybody is born atheist, I think religion is a type of social/psychological conditioning that humans are exposed to since childhood. If you were conditioned to be Christian you "feel" the spirit of Christ within you. If you are conditioned to be Muslim...
  9. G

    Fellow atheists, why do you think religion is still prevalent today?

    Sometimes I just find it fascinating that otherwise intelligent, rational people in the 21st century still unquestionably bow down before ancient pagan-derived mythology of the devil and hell and heaven, crucifixion, human sacrifice etc. Hell actually started out being nothing more than...
  10. G

    I started a new religion. I GUARANTEE I can convert you?

    Religion finds itself in a pretty good logical position if you think about it. It cannot be proven wrong since sentimentality matters more than facts. God can be attributed to anything and can be used as an excuse for any contradictory evidence of his nonexistence found by science. One such knee...