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  1. S

    How can a 14 year old guy earn money over the internet without Paying subscriptions?

    Or giving out important stuff like credit cards and things like that?
  2. S

    Question for actual iPhone 3g users - how long do you go before your battery

    runs out? I am looking to get an iPhone 3g and I have read all the reports about the "tested" battery life and what Apple says it should be, but this doesn't tell me the real question. Do people even get through an entire day before having to charge? What is your typical usage and how long...
  3. S

    Im gay, im 14 and i met a pedophile over the internet, What can i do?

    I met him on lime wiree when looking for porn he wants to exchange files, he asked me if i wanted to go on camera, he is a pedophile (I really don't mind he lives halfway across the world), but what can i do should i end the relationship and stop talking to him or just talk to him, exchange...
  4. S

    Mazda Miata door panel?

    How do I remove the manual window crank on a 99 Mazda Miata?