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  1. A

    tell me what you think about my plants/fish idea for my 55 gallon!!!?

    ok... so im getting a 55 tomorrow with an AMAZING fileration system. and i wanna put some plants and fish... this is my idea... hornwort in the back. some anubias in the back and some wisteria and java ferns randonly placed. 10 platies 6 neon tetras 6 zebra danios 10 guppies 3 mollies 3...
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    what do you think of my fish setup!!!?

    ok, so i have posted one of these before I moved but I have a completely new setup now. I have a 10 gallon tank (im getting two 30 gallon sets for xmas) be aware some of this setup is temporary! Filteration: Elite 10 Stringray heating: up to 30 gallon submersible heater Air pump: Elite up to...
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    Is a fishing feeding ring a good way to keep your tank cleaner?

    I bought a feeding ring that floats at the top, and you basically put the food in there so it doesn't float around and get caught up underneath your filter water fall. If anyone knows what I'm talking about let me know if you have done this or think it's a good idea! Thanks(:
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    how many small/medium sized tropical fish could i put into a 55 gallon tank?

    let me know, i know there is an estimated 1" per gallon rule, but I know that certain fish produce a certain amount of waste. let me know your suggestions. Let me know of some cool community small/medium tropical fish that produce a low amount of waste, because I want my tank to be vibrant in...