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  1. S

    I need to pick 1 area of Human Resources that I am interested in presenting..topics?

    I am undecided so I am looking for ideas to present: 1 area of Human Resources Any ideas?
  2. S

    Iphone 3G and GPS question?

    On my iphone 3G, I blocked the data from Rogers wireless, and in the phone settings, I disallowed any internet access when there is no wifi connection present. When I'm outside, with no wifi connections nearby, the GPS is working; it can locate where I am, show the maps, and show how I am moving...
  3. S

    Using iPhone with Rogers provider during a visit to Europe/middle east..?

    I currently have a 3 year contract with Rogers wireless for the iphone 3g. The data for the iphone is blocked. I will be travelling to europe and the middle east during the summer and I want to kno how I can use it there.... Also, Some places where I will be staying in may have wifi access, I...
  4. S

    How can I add password-protected file sharing to my website?

    Hi All I was wondering how can I have something like a library (I mean like file sharing directory)in my web site which people just be able to down load those files that they r authorized(They r authorized whenever they got password of the specific file).I may need to purchase a software o a...