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  1. E

    How to get free apps on android devices(sense 3.0)?

    Hey guys, how can i get free apps on my android device? Just so you know i will pay full price for the app granted that i will use it, i just dont want to waste my money on a crap app. And also is there a risk of 'bricking' the phone itself if i do anything to the phone(like jailbreaking 'i'...
  2. E

    Ive realized that people who like GSP, Anderson Silva, and Brock Lesnar

    know nothing about MMA.? Its true. Dudes who are always kissing the asses of GSP Silva and Lesnar don't know crap about MMA. Those are the three main "bandwagon" fighters. Meaning, if you only know who those fighters are you are not a MMA fan. If you don't know anything about Strikforce, Pride...
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    crysis 2 stops working at certain part?

    hey guys, I have been having some issues with crysis 2. When i get up to a certain part the screen fades to a black screen, and it stays black. i am unable to 'dashboard' it and have to restart my xbox to be able to do anything. Is there any way to fix this??? P.S Its on xbox All answers...
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    Jokes & Riddles category?

    There WAS a category for it but I can't find it, so I'm making one up for this. When is it NOT good to hear that a non-rabid wolf won't bite you?
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    A few questions about Verizon, KIN twom, and Cosmos Touch?

    alright. i like the KIN twom and the Cosmos Touch. pros and cons of them? i mainly want something really responsive and with NO lag, the original plan was to get the KIN twom, but they are out of stock. does anyone know how long they will stay out of stock? if i call do you think i could get...
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    DVD recorder???????????

    Hey Any one know of a cheap DVD recorder that I can use to record xbox 360 videos It MUST be around the $100(aus) mark. As long as it will record stuff and will be pretty god picture quality I'm happy
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    Ipad games?????????????????????????????????????????

    hi Does anyone know what ipad game has the best graphics or some of the best graphics it doesnt't matter if its free or paid just which one is best.(memory is not a problem) what would you say is the best game for ipad. And also what are the best online games for ipad???? I appreciate all help...
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    What's best place to argue online?

    What's the best place to argue with people online?
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    How do i get an older version of divx 2.5.4?

    i know its an older one but i dont need all the other add ons that come with the new version,plus it doesnt work like it should.i tried and they dont go back that far.