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  1. S

    My 11 year old daughter had sex the other night. What do I do?

    My daughter came home at 12 midnight yesterday. She had sex with a 12 year old boy! She has her period, and it looks like she had timing, because she is pregnant! Her boobs are sore, she's throwing up, and we went to the doctor to check, and she is.
  2. S

    Cant stand stretch mark's any more?

    I have real bad stretch mark's from having my two kids when ever i look at them the make me feel sick and really get me down is there any way of getting rid of them ?
  3. S

    where can i download free hongkong movie,dimana gw bisa download film2 hongkong

    yang gratis? contohnya kayak jackie chan , andy lau dsb
  4. S

    I haven't been to a doctor in such a long time and have several reasons...

    ...why I want to go, so I'm going to go? But now that I have several reasons to go to one I don't know what I should do or say at the doctors office. Should I just go ahead and go to a specialist for each thing I think I have wrong or should I go to a general practitioner for a physical with the...