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  1. C

    I don't like Gangnam Style. I am afraid I'm not from this world?

  2. C

    Washing my horse.....temp?

    On a sunny day with no wind, What is the minimum heat Temperature, i can fully wash my horse in???
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    My Blackberry 8520 doesn't vibrate nor play ringtones without headphones...

    ...plugged in!!? But when I receive a call it rings as usual. It doesn't play ringtones nor music ;_; what do i do? Already tried pulling the battery, turning it off and on, praying to the gods, etc.
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    i have an old samsung t139 repaid phone that i want to put ringtones on?

    i tried so many websites and nothingg either you have to have a monthly pay or a usb cord to plug it from your computer but i dont have a usb cord because the phone i bought didnt come with that so can someone PLZZ HELPP ME! -Free ringtones -No usb cord - Straight to my phone :)
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    How long will it take me to lose 100 lbs?

    Alright I'm 5'11 and I weight 360lbs. I am sick of being fat and I think I have mastered not over eating. Now I need some excercise tips for beginners. I'm trying to see how long it will probably take me to lose 100 lbs. How should I start off my excercises at home? No gym right now because I'm...
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    if you call a 1-900 number does it charge you when the number isn't working?

    i was trying to buy stardoll superstar using the 1-900 number, however it kept saying "this number cannot be completed as dialled..." etc so i called about 4 times, will it still charge?
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    Hitachi Hb-102 Bread Machine?

    I need a new bread/dough paddle for this machine, but I can't see paying more than $10 for it! I only paid $30 for the machine a few years ago. I've looked on ebay, craigslist, etc., but they're just way too expensive. If anyone knows a cheap website to find obscure pieces of equipment, I'd...
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    how many gallons of gas does a buick regal 1999 take?

    Somebody PLEEEASE answer this! I even Googled this question and it pulled up every Buick car part except what I asked. lol
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    Do not those who are indignant at Palin remember the denigrating comments...

    ...Obama made about guns and religion? ? At least Palin didn't make the comments in question at the rally, the people did. Obama is quoted for making comments that were insulting to people who support gun control and who have certain faiths to get his supporters to rally for his position...
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    How do I edit a movie that I made with a Canon DC100 video camera?

    I need to edit and cut out the scenes I don't like and such for a school project. I have this mini-disc thing that fits into the tray in my computer. I attempted at trying to get it to work on Windows Movie Maker but it didn't work. .. Help? D:
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    100% totally free ringtones?

    I have a sprint phone with unlimited text messaging and i heard i could use ventones dot com for totally free songs but when i go to the site it says that it is 9.99 per month...does it really charge you or is it really free? thanks:)
  12. C

    How long is the typical fire hose? Also, how tall is the typical ladder...

    ...on a fire truck? Any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.